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University of Washington Honors Program in Rome

I've got a Fever ...
Roman Fever 1 of 1

The Forum
Roman Fever
Joe Plumb

The forum has always been a place of mystery. It is the last remnants of a culture long since passed over by the hand of fate. It signifies importance, inevitability, and the passing of time. Edith Wharton chose the forum as the setting for Roman Fever in order to draw upon these characteristics and weave them into her story, displaying parallels between her story line and the forum’s history.

First and foremost the forum is a monument, and Wharton uses it well. The visits of Mrs. Slade and Mrs. Ansley to the forum and the colosseum are monumental moments in their lives. Wharton clearly shows the importance of the forum by showing the lack of development in the women’s relationships during their years as neighbors. In contrast, their more limited time at the colosseum always has been life changing experiences for each of them. The colosseum had been the place that Mrs. Slade sent Mrs. Ansley and the place of Barbara’s conception. When they return to it, after all these years, they finally learn the truth from each other about that fateful night. In this way Wharton uses the importance of the forum and colosseum to echo the important events in the women’s lives.

The forum is also a clear symbol of the past. This is weaved in with the theme of the history between the women. It’s no accident that their own ancient history is uncovered as they look upon these ruins. The forum is history literally dug up, just as old wounds are being reopened between Mrs. Slade and Mrs. Ansley. The story itself is one about looking back, and it is most appropriate that they are looking back on some of the greatest ruins in the world.

Inevitability is also a final concept associated with the forum. The Romans, in all their might, eventually succumbed to the sands of times. They built fantastic buildings, but their remains are now scattered in the forum. Wharton includes this in her story through the passage of time. Time is an important concept, particularly time of day. The characters feel that it’s appropriate that they stay there until nightfall. When dusk finally arrives, the secrets have all been revealed, and the story ends. The story’s timeline starts in the forum years ago, and it ends there in present time. This is no accident, and the setting of the forum helps to amplify this theme.

Wharton’s story has the same characteristics as the forum, as we have seen. It seems as though she also searches for a story after she has the setting in mind rather than choosing the story first. In any case, Wharton uses this paring of setting with story because each helps amplify the qualities of the other. The result of this is a story which draws in readers because of its pairing with the setting.