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University of Washington Honors Program in Rome

Peter's Pizza
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  Recipe Name
Peter's Pizza Dough
This would be a good primo.
1 Tablespoon Yeast
3.25 cups Flour
1.5 teaspoons Salt
3 Tablespoons Oil (Preferably Olive)
1 cup Water (cold)
Add yeast to 1/4 cup warm water. Let stand 5 minutes.

Mix the salt and flour together in a large bowl.

Mix in water, then oil, then yeast into the bowl.

Form a big ball and kneed it for five minutes, adding flour so it doesn't become sticky.

Put the ball in a bowl lightly coated with olive oil and let stand for 15 minutes.

Cut the ball into fourths and kneed each quarter until they are each tight balls (should only kneed 20 seconds).

Let the balls rise, covered, on a floured surface for an hour.

Roll out the pizza (using a cheap wine bottle, preferably).

Preheat oven "as hot as it'll go".

Add toppings to pizza.
For pizza bianca the surface of the pizza shouldn't be smooth, by pushing your fingertips into the dough and making bumps through it, it will rise un-uniformily (this is good). After making the bumps add olive oil and basil to top. You may want to add more olive oil after it is done (the forno does this with a brush, Peter noticed on one of his spying missions).

Put in oven until the cheese turns golden brown. If you don't have cheese, look at the crust for the golden color.
I learned this recipe from the great and powerful Peter and his helper Davy. I've made it about 5 times since being back, and it's pretty good. If you're looking for a real challenge you can make your own pizza sauce from scratch.