View Page: Freedmen Tombs of Pompeii
University of Washington Honors Program in Rome

Freedmen Tombs of Pompeii
Section Seven 7 of 9

Death is a fascinating, although morbid, topic and can reveal much about a society. The ancient Roman burial practices took into account both the wealth and status of the deceased. As a result, the tombs of the wealthy were often larger and more elaborate then those of the poor. Burial was a very important part of Roman society and families would spend a significant amount of money to make sure their dead were properly honored. Being remembered after death was important in Roman society so tombs also represented the immortality of the deceased. One particularly interesting aspect of ancient Roman burial practices are the tombs of the social class of freed slaves known as libertini. These slaves, in an attempt to be remembered as wealthy and powerful, modeled their tombs after the style of the rich and noble.