View Page: An Argentinean Rome
University of Washington Honors Program in Rome

An Argentinean Rome
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Photo by Shane Richards
Me outside the restaurant
It took awhile to find - i.e. asking every other person on the streeet, "Dove il Ristorante Argentino?" - but was well worth the hunt.
Baires - Ristorante Argentino
  Location and Hours
Photo by Julia Mattson
The Menu
The placemat menus are in Spanish and Italian - but don't worry, they offer English ones as well. Of course, everything on the menu sounds tasty, so pointing at random might not hurt.
Corso Rinascimento, via cavour, 315 roma

Starting from the Campo, walk toward Vittorio Emmanuele, past the giant Spiderman 2 billboard (hah, you know the one...), past the L'insalata Ricca. Cross the street (Vittorio Emmanuele - you should be facing a "CHANGE" sign) and Baires is just past the corner, up on the left.

Standard hours (I believe)
  Price Range
Photo by Julia Mattson
Keli, Shane, Nate at the table
Glad to be out in Rome (taking a break from our studies), what better place to relax than a cozy restaurant filled with Spanish-style music?
Meats are more expensive (which is what we were craving...) and vary from 10 - 23 Euro. Salads are 5 - 9 Euro, depending on the size. Main dishes are 7 - 16 Euro and range from soups to pastas to fish. With a couple of us splitting dishes, we paid an average of 10 Euro per person.
  Time of Visit
7 settembre 2004 @ 8:30 pm
Photo by Julia Mattson
Kara enjoys her Pumpkin soup
Smiling for the camera, Kara gives her somewhat-exotic (in other words, authentically un-Italian) dish four stars.
We went right after Sociology class, before the tables filled up, and sat at a booth for six. "Noi siamo in sei." Casual establishment, pretty small in size. Somewhat hidden from the average observer (which explained the look of confusion on many an Italian face when we inquired about the place), the restaurant offers a comfy, relaxed atmosphere and provides a background of Spanish-style music.
Photo by Julia Mattson
Keli eating protein
Mmm... Argentinean beef stew.
Photo by Julia Mattson
Amanda and her steak
Going all out, Amanda chooses one of the most expensive dishes on the menu.
Shane and Nate split a "Pollo al escabeche" (in Italian, 'Pollo marinato allo stile argentino'). Amanda ate a "Chulas cordobesas" (in Italian, 'Filetto in salsa'). Kara ordered a "Sopa de zapallo" (in Italian, 'Zuppa di zucca). And Keli and I shared a "Guiso criolo" (in Italian, 'Stracotto di vitello con patate, maiz, peperone e cipolla').

Bevande: Un litro di Sangria (fruity wine..mmm) e un margherita per Amanda.
Photo by Julia Mattson
Shane and Nate with their chicken
Masculine enough to share a dish, Shane and Nate delve into their food.
Photo by Shane Richards
Amanda, Kara, Julia after eating
With stomachs filled with good food, us girls smile for Shane, the fill-in photographer
The food was well-prepared, and a welcomed break from our Italian routine. The service was decent, and plates were taken away in a timely fashion. Count on having to ask for the check - though it may be a Ristorante Argentino, it's still Italy. Amanda's steak was the best dish, and she kindly offered a taste to all of us. The Sangria was delicious, a fine choice made by Shane. The entire menu looked enticing; even the salads looked interesting to try (though they were immediately discarded tonight given our meat-lover cravings).