View Page: Oh Pauline...
University of Washington Honors Program in Rome

Oh Pauline...
Sculpture and movement 1 of 1

The photo discussed in this piece.
Old Man
Old Man

Did you see it?

The statue? I saw it... In passing. The Bonaparte has always been a rather common piece. I am moving on to more dignified art.

You refuse to walk around it sir?

Yes, as I said: It’s common. Haughty. I see no further message in it besides one of arrogance and thus chose to walk on. Should I walk around it? Why? What would I get from such an experience? I see a turned shoulder. I see arrogance of youth. Sheer haughtiness. Everyone knows the story of that “lady”… to good for Rome. Too good for Romans. A French snob and as she turns her shoulder to me, I likewise turn my back to her.

You can’t appreciate the technical skill of the piece at least? The mattress has been widely commented on for its suppleness, the cloth for its realism. Is that at least a reason to give it some time? The technique?

Art is more than technique, lad. In art one searches for a moral perfection, the angels of Raffael, the fleeing of Troy by Bernini. Art needs a message, it needs to lift you up. What do we see in this smutty marble? An arrogant aristocrat thinking herself as beautiful as Athena. I read a little bit in this art book about the piece, just to try and understand what all the fuss was about. The thing actually rotated in its initial installation. You were forced to “walk around” the statue even if you stood still. If that ostentatious then I don’t know what is.

Do you think that there was a point in your life when you would have admired the piece?

No. Well maybe in my youth I would have, coming out of college. One is foolish then, wanting the difficult catch. But you don’t get it. Looking back who wants it though. Those foolish days. So ignorant…

Excuse me sir?

No, excuse me. I only have two hours here and I intend to see some fine art, not to be analyzed or to discuss worthless women.

You mean art sir?

Good bye.


Sir, you seem to turn away from the Bonaparte.

Do I? Well, I guess. Its just so, indecent. I can’t stare at the piece with my daughter right here.

You can’t look at art with your daughter?

Of course I can look at art with my daughter. This is different though, I wouldn’t call it art so much. It’s too alluring; you can see her crack for goodness sakes. Its somewhat covered but that just makes it more overt than having her completely nude. You know what I mean? The whole thing projects this aura of sensuality. That apple she is holding on the other side of her is a temptation. She wants you to sin with her, or at least try.

That is an awfully moralistic interpretation. I think she is supposed to be posing as the Athena.

Oh, I’m sure that’s one interpretation. I see Satan though not so delicately disguised.

You do know that she commissioned the piece don’t you?

Yes, I mean no I didn’t, but well I wouldn’t put it past her anyways. I mean look how smooth her body is, the way she relaxes though so fully exposed. She is so comfortable and is leaving that space at the bottom of the mattress just for you. You can go sit at her feet. Be a subject to her whims. It’s so inviting.

That’s a very interesting interpretation.

I don’t think it’s a unique one. I mean, you feel that way too? Don’t you?

I’ll have to think about that one. Thanks for your time.


Excuse me madam... Could I distract you from your audio guide for just a moment?

Um... Okay…

Oh I was just curious about your thoughts about the statue. You seem to be staring very intently at it.

Well yes, I was just surprised at how masculine she looks. I mean, the audio guide is saying how gorgeous she is, what perfect proportions she had Canova embellish, but I cant get over how beefy she seems. I mean did you look at her front? She almost has a big boxy six pack. Was this perfection back then?

You seem awfully critical of her looks. I think that those were just aesthetics of the day.

Well maybe, but not to sound snooty but… Well I think many of my friends are prettier than the statue.

Do you think you are prettier?

Well, that’s a bit forward… but yes. I guess that sort of annoys me. She is not perfect but oh how she acts like it. I would never have the nerve to do anything like that, commission a half nude statue of myself. Not in my craziest dreams.

She threatens you?

Well yes.


I didn't spend time looking at this statue, being so entranced by the Berninis. In looking online for a picture though I found this one, which interested me as no one seemed to be directly looking at the statue.

The original photo is from: