View Page: The Ecstasy
University of Washington Honors Program in Rome

The Ecstasy
The Ecstasy of Beata Ludovica Albertoni 1 of 1

Viewing Bernini’s Ecstasy is a gentle affair which must not be rushed. After the first glance of the statue, my eyes telescoped in on the area right above her right breast. The gesturing of her brightly illuminated right hand, and the light glow of the fabric, made that area an important focus point of the work. After lingering there for a while, I found my gaze moving slowly up the vulnerable neck and settling on her softly parted lips. Seeing the immense pleasure expressed through her lips, I almost felt intrusive at this point. I was witnessing something that was private and personal, and the sensation was mainly that of awe, but with slight feeling of voyeurism. As the awe subsided and I grew more comfortable with the work, my view was able to leave the lips and take the face in as a whole. It was only at this point that I really noticed the lightly closed eyes and the glow on her cheek; the full orgasmic experience now realized and accepted as beautiful. In the journey from the hand to the face I felt the most emotion, and after sufficient time dwelling on that, my view started to pan out and see the figure as a whole. Now further details are noted, and the light on the left knee causes me to visually explore the other half of the statue. In doing this I see the slightly parted legs with fabric running between them, and the length to which the robe flows, all reinforcing the image of yielding her body completely to the intensity of this divine experience.