View Page: 091404 From Caravaggio to Cioccolato
University of Washington Honors Program in Rome

091404 From Caravaggio to Cioccolato
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San Luigi dei Francesi
James presenting outside of San Luigi. James enjoys eating rice and greeting Italians with a loud, friendly "Buonasera!" when he goes out at night. Nice job presenting James!
Le Belle Ragazze
These are some beautiful girls we happened to see outside of San Luigi. We think they are probably models, or maybe even movie stars. We wanted to ask for their autographs, but we were too shy.
Our Tuesday morning began at a leisurely hour. Some of the girls went to the famous San Eustachio with Lisa for a quick cappucino before meeting at San Luigi dei Francesi at 10:00.
We saw three of Caravaggio's public commissions at this church, which were "The Calling of St. Matthew," "The Inspiration of St. Matthew," and "The Martyrdom of St. Matthew" in the Contarelli chapel. Keli presented on this famous painter and these specific works as the chanting of a Catholic mass hummed in the background.
From San Luigi we moved up Via del Corso to Santa Maria del Popolo, where the "Crucifixion of St. Peter" and the "Conversion on the Way to Damascus" adorn the Cerasi Chapel. It was truly amazing to have an opportunity to view these pieces in the setting they were created for. In this way we were forced to view the art from the angle Caravaggio intended, instead of viewing them from straight on, which would have diminished their effect. After art history class, we dispersed to work on our sociology projects and prepare for another exciting day in Rome!

The Inspiration of St. Matthew
This is a Caravaggio. It is much more impressive in real life.
Some Boys
Here is Shane showing Nate and Giorgio how wide he can open his mouth. He is practising because he wants to fit an entire cone of cioccolato bianco gelato in his mouth in one bite. Nate and Giorgio think this is silly.
Matteo and Helen
This is Matt and Helen. Matt likes to impersonate Will Ferrel and eat tuna fish with ketchup. Helen thinks tuna and ketchup looks like a brain. This has nothing to do with what we did today.
This is some of the beautiful gelato that we ate. It was Mmmm Mmmm Good!
The highlight of this day was the gelato stop we made after visiting both of the churches. On our way back from Piazza del Popolo, we stopped by Giolitti, a gelateria tucked away in the maze of alleys near the Pantheon. Giolitti may be hard to find, but it needs no advertising. Simply follow the trail of towering cones of gelato, which are found in the hand of every passer-by as you near this gelateria. It was difficult to chose from the wide array of fruit flavors, from a standard strawberry to more exotic choices such as grapefruit and Indian fig. The five different flavors of chocolate were the most popular choices, however, with white chocolate emerging as the overall favorite.