View Page: Two Michelangelo Sculptures
University of Washington Honors Program in Rome

Two Michelangelo Sculptures
Two Michelangelo sculptures 1 of 1

The Risen Christ looks down with an expression almost of pity, somber pity, and peace, that belies what the cross in his hand tells about the direction he is headed. He leans against the cross as though stopped for a moment on his way to do a day's work - nonchalant, and unagitated. The flat planes of the cross contrast with the bodily curves of the statue of Christ, and he faces into the light and down at those in front of the apse. His sole expression is fixated down here, not on the cross that is leaned lazily between his arm and his calf.

Moses, however, has an expression of granite - anger perhaps, or dark concern as he somewhat absently strokes his beard. He also seems to be caught unawares, but he does not appear to be stopped by passersby. In fact, he seems hardly to notice anyone standing in front of him. He looks away from the light with an expression at least of distracted dissatisfaction. His face is in shadow at the same time of day that that of Christ is in light, and the tablets of the 10 Commandments under his arm seem to weigh on his expression, if not his dark thoughts. the flat planes of the 10 Commandments are tucked away, and the lines of the statue are flowing - from the rays of light away from Moses' face, to the flowing beard and down the flowing robes. All else seems to be momentarily lost except the thoughts in his head, which, like his beard and his clothing, seem to have flowed, taking his mind away from the present and anyone standing before him.