View Article: 2004 Program Calendar
University of Washington Honors Program in Rome

2004 Program Calendar
Week One 1 of 5

Monday, August 23
10:00am: Students arrive at UW Rome Center and check into apartments
  Late Afternoon
3:00pm: Orientation to UWRC and other logistics for living in Rome; walking tour of Campo de’ Fiori environs
  Evening Event
4:00pm Introduction to sociology
Tuesday, August 24
  Art History
Roman Forum; Arch of Titus; sack lunch on the Palatine Hill; Column, Forum, and markets of Trajan

*Discussion topics: imperial ideology; the Roman basilica; the role of the Roman triumph and its pervading imagery (the arch), political propaganda and emmulation

Presentations: JE, MW, ZX, (JM)

Guest speaker: Pierpaolo Mudu, Researcher, Interdepartmental Centre for Studies on the Population and Society of Rome. Lecture: “Foreign Immigrants in Contemporary Rome: An Exploration of Their Social Geography”
Wednesday, August 25
  Art History
Museo Nazionale Romano at Palazzo Massimo

*Discussion topics: ancient sculpture, styles and patterns; portraiture; Augustinian agenda. Possible group exercise on site.

Presentations: MB, (SF)

Social stratification: social class and regionalism
  Evening Events
Group Dinner in apartment 422!!
Thursday, August 26
  Art History
Field Trip to Herculaneum / Pompeii with tour guide, Valerie Higgins

*Discussion topics: domestic life – insula and the Roman atrium house; public and private space - bathing, theatre, and games in ancient Roman society;strategies for interior decoration, intro to ancient Roman painting.

Presentations: KW, LD, (AS, CF)
  Evening Events
Overnight in Pompeii at the Hotel Villa of the Mysteries
Friday, August 27
Depart for Naples
The visible social order of Naples; Group lunch

Afternoon: Resume sociological exploration of Naples

  Evening Events
Overnight in Naples at the Hotel Sansevero
Saturday, August 28
  Art History
Naples Archaeological Museum

*Discussion topics: Role of women in ancient Rome

Presentations: ACB
  Evening Events
Return to Rome

Option for students to return on own
Sunday, August 29
Week Two 2 of 5

Monday, August 30
  Italian Language and Culture
Language studies
Institutions and social order: the family
Tuesday, August 31
  Art History
Pantheon; Colosseum; Arch of Constantine; Group lunch at Isadoro.

*Discussion topics: Hadrian’s Building Program; Roman architectural forms and function; Constantine and the beginnings of Christianity in Rome.

Presentations: AC, JK, (HC)
Institutions and social order: the state
  Evening Events
View film, Gladiator
Wednesday, September 1
  Art History
mini bus to Catacombs of Priscilla; S. Costanza.

*Discussion topics: Early Christian imagery; Roman burial practices

Presentations: CF, (KH)
Institutions and social order: the Church
  Evening Events
Group Dinner in apartment 422!!
Thursday, September 2
  Art History
S. Maria Maggiore; S. Prassede; S. Pudenziana.

*Discussion topics: function of early christian church; cult of relics.

Presentations: (KD, KW, LD, SR, ZX)
  Italian Language and Culture
Language studies
Friday, September 3
  Art History
S. Maria in Trastevere; Bramante’s Tempietto

*Discussion topics: spolia, martyrs, mosaics; beginnings of Renaissance architectural forms. Possible group exercise on-site.

Presentations: AS, (AZ, AC)
First assignment due: the social geography of Rome. Group presentations.
Saturday, September 4
Sunday, September 5
Week Three 3 of 5

Monday, September 6
  Italian Language and Culture
Language studies
Institutions and social order: education
Tuesday, September 7
  Art History
Vatican Museums: Pinacoteca, Bellvedere court yard, Raphael’s Stanze, Sistine Chapel

*Discussion topics: Renaissance ideals; Raphael’s work at the Vatican; Julius II and Michelangelo; antiquities and their role in the Renaissance

Presentations: JH, SR, (NS)
Threats to social order: political instability
Wednesday, September 8
  Art History
Villa Farnesina, Piazza Farnese

*Discussion Topics: Raphael’s Loggia di Psyche; palace function and decoration; Palazzo Pio; Giordano Bruno

Presentations: KD, (JE, HW, MB)
Threats to social order: economic instability

  Evening Events
Group Dinner in apartment 422!!
Thursday, September 9
  Art History
The Baroque:
Il Gesu, St. Ignazio

*Discussion topics: The Jesuits; Counter Reformation, church triumphant; Baroque architectural forms.

Presentations: HC, (AC)

  Italian Language and Culture
Language studies
Friday, September 10
  Art History
Museo di Villa Borghese; Group lunch at Piazza Re; Piazza Navona: Four Rivers Fountain and elephant obelisk at S. Maria Sopra Minerva.

*Discussion topics: Bernini; Caravaggio’s private commissions

Presentations: AZ
Guest speaker: Federico Varese, University Lecturer in Criminology, Centre for Criminological Research, Law Faculty, University of Oxford.

Lecture: “Corruption and the Mafias in Italy”
Saturday, September 11
Sunday, September 12
Week Four 4 of 5

Monday, September 13
  Italian Language and Culture
Language studies
Student presentations
Tuesday, September 14
  Art History
S. Luigi dei Francesi (Contarelli chapel); S. Maria del Popolo(Cerasi Chapel)

*Discussion topics: Caravaggio’s public commissions

Presentations: KH, (JK, JH)
Student presentations

Wednesday, September 15
  Art History
St. Peter’s: scavi, basilica, and piazza

*Discussion topics: Bernini’s and Michelangelo’s contributions

Presentations: JM, HW, (ACB)
Student presentations
Thursday, September 16
  Art History
Day Trip to Hadrian’s Villa; sack lunch on Villa grounds; Villa d’Este.

*Discussion topics: ideal city plan, villa as rhetorical, mnemonic tool

Presentations: NS, (MW)
  Italian Language and Culture
Language studies
Friday, September 17
  Art History
Palazzo Barberini; Trevi Fountain

*Discussion topics: papal nepotism, family propaganda; fountains and aqueducts-history of water as a political/propagandistic tool.

Presentations: SF
Closing lecture

Final papers due

  Evening Events
Final Group Dinner
Saturday, September 18
Sunday, September 19
Week Five 5 of 5

Monday, September 20