View Page: 2005 Program Participants
University of Washington Honors Program in Rome

2005 Program Participants
Honors Program in Rome 2005 Participants 1 of 1

Shivali Agnani
Shivali Agnani
Shivali in Piazza Navona
Shivali Agnani
Shivali at the Villa d'Este
Peter Berberian
Peter Berberian
Peter at Parco Savello
Joe Plumb
Peter Berberian
Peter at the Villa d'Este
photo by Lisa Schultz
Peter presenting at Porta Maggiore
Nicole Day-Bazhaw
Nicole Day-Bazhaw
Nicole at San Clemente church
Nicole Day-Bazhaw
Nicole at the Villa d'Este
Sariah Khormaee
Sariah Khormaee
Sariah at the UW's Palazzo Pio
Davey Williams
Sariah Khormaee
Sariah in Roma
Shawn Wong
Sariah Khormaee
Sariah lecturing on the Campidoglio
Eunsong (Angela) Kim
Angela Kim
Angela meditating at Santi Quattro Coronati
Angela Kim
How exciting, another fountain...
Davey Williams
Angela Kim
Angela eating a cookie
Katherine (Katie) Liu
Katherine Liu
Katie at Parco Savello
Katherine Liu
Katie giving her presentation on the Campidoglio
Shawn Wong
Katherine Liu
Katie at Villa d'Este
Shawn Wong
Katherine Liu
Katie writing in her journal at the Villa d'Este
Nina Miller
Nina Miller
Nina at Parco Savello
Nina Miller
Nina (left) eating, eating, eating...
Shawn Wong
Nina Miller
Nina at the Piazza Navona
Minh-An Nguyen
Minh-An Nguyen
Minh-An at Santi Quattro Coronati
Shawn Wong
Minh-An Nguyen
Minh-An at the Villa d'Este
Joel Nishimura
Joel Nishimura
Joel at Parco Savello
photo by Lisa Schultz
Joel presenting on Mussolini and his impact of the face of Rome
Julia Olson
Julia Olson
Julia at Parco Savello
Julia looking fabulous in Roma
Joe Plumb
Joe Plumb
Joe at the "Mouth of Truth" at Santa Maria in Cosmedin
Joe Plumb
Joe "meditating" in the cloister of Santi Quattro Coronati
Leah Schrager
Leah Schrager
Leah in Herculaneum
photo by Lisa Schultz
Leah in Pompeii
Leah at our wine tasting
Leah Schrager
Leah in Ischia
Justin Vincent
Justin Vincent
Justin at Italiaidea Language School
Joe Plumb
Justin Vincent
Justin offers his evaluation of Sariah's presentation
Justin at the Duomo
Patricia Voll
Patricia Voll
Patricia at Parco Savello
Patricia at the Benedictine Monastery in Subiaco
Judy Wang
Judy Wang
Judy in the UW's Palazzo Pio
Davey Williams
Judy Wang
Judy being "street" on the cobblestones of Rome
Kayanna Warren
Kayanna Warren
Kayanna at Santi Quattro Coronati
Shawn Wong
Kayanna Warren
Kayanna in her apartment near the Spanish Steps
Davey Williams
Davey Williams
Davey at Italiaidea Language School
Davey Williams
Davey in the cloister at Santi Quattro Coronati
Zinnia Zheng
Zinnia Zheng
Zinnia in the Roman night
Zinnia Zheng
Zinnia (middle) eating gelato
Nicole Day-Bazhaw
Zinnia Zheng
Zinnia does the math