View Page: The Campo Mac and Cheese
University of Washington Honors Program in Rome

The Campo Mac and Cheese
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  Recipe Name
Our trip's easy mac.
Primo dish for lunch, dinner, or whatever you desire.
Some of Punto's packaged tortellini for 1.35 euros.
Butter or olive oil.
Optional any kind of cheese you happen to have.
Boil the pasta for 3 - 5 minutes. Drain and serve. Adding some olive oil or butter with cheese or any other sauce is optional.
On a crunch on cash because of card problems, I went into the grocery looking for something quick, easy, and also good. I spotted the package of tortellini and knew it would be perfect. Back at the campo apartments, boiled the pasta and began to eat. There were a few people there, eating their own lunch who spotted my concoction. The package had so much pasta and I happily wanted everyone to try my great find. Everyone in agreement of the great find, later many bought "the trip's easy mac." (I am the only one that calls it by this name).