View Page: Pantheon: An excercise for my senses v.2
University of Washington Honors Program in Rome

Pantheon: An excercise for my senses v.2
The Pantheon 1 of 1

  Part 1:
Although the pantheon stays in the same place everyday, the space seems to change throughout the day, playing a game with my senses. My first experience to the inside of the site was at noon with a group of people. I associated myself as part of a group, taking over a large amount of area. With a group I did not fully let myself go to take in everything. I consciously felt like I was more aware of my group then what was all around and above me. I let my own senses be drowned out by what the group wanted to sense.

It was an exercise for my ears and eyes, as I experienced the area with barely anyone in sight in the morning. The quietness was powerful as the silence was spread throughout a huge area meant for its great acoustics. With the place to myself, I begin to notice details that I had not noticed before. By myself, I felt like the circular shape and flow of the inside wrapped me up. The fluidity of the trim created a place where everyone could come to be protected and heard. Staring up, I did not notice anyone else; it was only me in my mind taking in what I saw. I let the atmosphere engross me. I felt small and intimidated at first but then the curved arches seemed to welcome me to keep looking to find the next treasure for my eyes. Walking in deeper after leaving the sunlit outside, the sun shines intensely in through the oculus as if the power of the sun was being collected and then released. I follow the sun rays up to its origin. Standing underneath the oculus, in the middle of the room, I finally see the now highly conspicuous drainage hole. Standing there in the middle, the noise I hear is not from the inside but from the outside daily routines, setting up shops, construction, as it enters and echoes throughout the area. In the morning, when there is no one there, sound plays an important part in the Pantheon image. The silence allows my senses to become more sensitive, my ears are relaxed and my sight heightened to allow me to see previously unnoticed things.

My sense of touch was fully used to take in the warmth of the sun when at 1pm, the column of sunlight from the oculus was focused exactly at the entrance of the Pantheon. This drew me in to stand before the door in the warm sun. The sun shining on the doors made the entryway seem welcoming and very heavenly. The intense sunlight accentuated everything in its path and I was completely underneath its spell. The particles in the air float peacefully in the column of sunlight leading up to the oculus. Watching the particles created a very uplifting feeling as if I was also floating along.

Closing time unlike other parts of the day, let my senses rest. Taking away the main focus of my other visits, light, allowed me to see all that were hidden. It allowed my eyes to rest and let my inner emotions fully feel the strong aura of the pantheon and its religious intent. The lack of light accentuated the enclosing walls that were hidden to me during the day as I was distracted with the light. The darker area seemed to create a more religious area, where contemplation could take place. The artificial light from the end of the dome creates the same shadows on each panel of the ceilings. This eerie symmetry is not seen when its just natural light creating various shadows. The darken area, a more heavy feeling upon me, now feels like an area that is closing on me instead of an open big area.

Throughout the day, my senses were given quiet the exercise. Each time of day accentuated some senses while giving others some rest. With different combination of senses alert, I noticed and felt different things from the Pantheon.

Experiencing the Pantheon when it rained showed the Pantheon at its great. Everything seen had a function at that time to portray the great power of the Roman religion. The dry columns invite everyone into for shelter and when they enter they see the full wrath of the Roman gods, especially that of Jupiter’s. The thunder is amplified in the rotunda, emphasizing the greatness of Jupiter and evoking fear and intimidation. The pool of water seem magical because it does not spread out towards the people but remains perfectly in the center like some force is holding it back. The optical illusion of the huge circle formed on the floor from the seemingly small opening of the oculus intensifies the power of the rain. The rain seems like it is appearing from nowhere and as each raindrop falls down the sight can be seen as miraculous. During the ancient times, this image must have created many believers of the power of the gods. Also since it drew in people that were not inside the temple already when it rained, it may have drew in people that were not believers yet before seeing the wrath of the gods. Similarly, in modern times, when it rains, people around the area come seek the shelter of the pantheon and with this action see the unexpected incredible optical illusion of the pantheon. In the rotunda everyone was united and centered at the same spot staring into the open sky. This event may have provided a very unifying experience for the Romans.
  Part 2:
Although the Piazza Navona has many entryways, the area also has a central focus point like the Pantheon. Walking into the crowded piazza, the eyes are drawn to the obelisk right in the center. However, unlike the pantheon, the area does not provoke any contemplation of emotions deep within but rather contemplation of whether to buy from the many vendors in the piazza or to seek refuge in the shaded half, staying away from the sun rather than embracing the sunlight.

The Piazza di Sant’Ignazio at first glance can be easily missed as people pass by in search of another destination. However, when I first entered, my eyes first focused on the curved building of the Caribinieri office, which was like a cupped hand. Tall buildings surround this small area and blocks most of the light and the only light is from the top. The shadowed ground provides many areas to sit or stand and relax. Some sit to think about their next activity, while others sit and talk about the frescoes and the serenity of the church opposite of the curved building.