View Page: All of Megan's Favorites Pizza
University of Washington Honors Program in Rome

All of Megan's Favorites Pizza
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All of Megan's Favorites Pizza


Pizza-- could be an antipasto or primo dish.


Pizza Bianca from Forno's bakery in the Campo,
fresh mozzarella (buffalo milk preferrable),
fresh basilico (basil),
pomodori (cherry tomatoes preferrable),
olive oil,


1) If the pizza bianca is not fresh, begin by adding some olive oil to the top of the bread.

2) Slice mozzarella, pomodori, and basilico as preferred.

3) Place all on top of pizza bianca (order is not important).

4) Add salt, pepper, and olive oil. Add more salt and olive oil.

5) Heat in oven until satisfied!


Everytime I see this pizza in a shop, it calls to me: the fresh, sweet mozzarella; the red, juicy pomodori; the king of spices, basilico; and of course the salty, oily broth that sits in puddles on top of the pizza, hidden amongst the other ingredients. So it is logical that, as soon as I had a kitchen available, this is what I made. I recommend this recipe because it includes all of my favorite things, and the proportions are just so that it fills one up immediately. A very satisfying remedy to the Roman heat. Goes especially well with a local chainti!