View Page: Piazza del Pantheon is my favorite
University of Washington Honors Program in Rome

Piazza del Pantheon is my favorite
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Piazza del Pantheon!!

  Reason for Selection

The Piazza del Pantheon is built around the Pantheon, one of the most mathematically intensive buildings of all time (can life get better?). All of the neighboring restaurants and shops bow down to it. Even the cobblestones slant down towards it. In the mornings, one can grab a café in the nearby Piazza Sant’ Eustachio and then come sit and admire the Pantheon’s size and symmetry. In the afternoons, one can grab a bite in the Campo de’ Fiori and then come to view the Pantheon’s perfect oculus. And at night, one can grab gelato at Caffe Giolotti around the corner and then come listen to the jazz that’s always playing right in front of the Pantheon and awe over (what else?) the Pantheon. It’s right next to all of Roma’s bests, but without the huge throngs of people. At the same time, the Piazza is never empty. And it’s right around the corner from home.


The other piazzas of Roma just don’t cut it for me. Navona has beautiful fountains, but is always touristy; Santa Maria in Trastevere has fantastic restaraunts and night life, but is empty during the day; the Campo is always alive and changing, but is too familiar; Spagna is picturesque, but way too popular; Popolo is elaborate, but that is both its pro and con; Campidoglio is elevated with less noise and a great view, but also a major tourist spot; Sant’ Ignazio is theatrical and peaceful, but too empty; Fontana di Trevi is centered around a beautiful fountain, but a tourist trap at night; Testaccio has a huge market, but is too far from home; Sant’ Pietro is breathtaking, but is ridiculously rich; Sant’ Andrea della Valle has a nice little fountain, but is in the middle of a major intersection’ Sant’ Eustachio has the best coffee is Roma, but has little else to offer; Mattei has that cute tortoise fountain, but no place to sit down; Minerva has water marks from all of the Tiber’s floods, but nothing else to do but the church.


The Pantheon, in all of its glory!! Its perfect symmetry, its immense size, its breathtaking oculus.