View Page: Pienza: Cheese; initial investigation
University of Washington Honors Program in Rome

Pienza: Cheese; initial investigation
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  Site Location

Peinza is located in southern Tuscany.

  Site History

While there were a variety of beautiful photographs of Pienza, there was very little information on the internet. Thus, all of the history I found is in the below section, "Elements of Interest."

  Elements of Interest

Pienza is known as the manifestation of the dreams of the Greek Philosopher Plato and his Renaissance followers. They have poetic street names like Fortune, Love, Kiss, and Darkness. Pienza also supplied inspiration to the humanist poet Enea Piccolomini (aka Pope Pius II, 1458) in a vision of a 15th century ideal city reflecting the harmonoic relationship between people and buildings. As stated in the "History" section, I found many photographs of the city and its buildings, but very little information on the city's history. Pienza is especially known for its pecorino cheese, and the traditional cheese show, "Fiera del cacio," takes place on the first sunday in September... Shawn-- are you reading this??

  Analyze Image
Pienza in the late morning sun

The picture I've included was taken in the late morning, which can be deduced by the long shadows along the street. The building colors are soft brown, with specks of red and pink from the geraniums that supposedly grow everywhere throughout the town. However, the image is of one alleyway, whereas Pienza is known for the city layout in its entirety.

  Site Questions

In both of my cities (Pienza and Montepulciano), I noticed that almost all of the websites I visited talked about the harmonious architechture and city layout. Did anyone else find this to also be true about their locations?