View Article: Volpetti Piu-- cheese, wine, and meat
University of Washington Honors Program in Rome

Volpetti Piu-- cheese, wine, and meat
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In Testaccio on Via Alessandro Volta 8 (on the corner with Via Marmorata), on bus lines 3, 8, 23, 30, 75, 280, 716, and 719, nearest underground station is Piramide.


Volpetti Piu is a small store that sells a wide variety of exquisite cheeses, meats, and wines. I have only visited the store once, during siesta, so I have no suggestions as to when is the best time of day to visit. Visitors should pay attention to the newspaper and magazine articles the store has posted on their walls and that they hand out-- this is a well-reviewed Roma secret!

  Story of Discovery

Eliana, her parents Debra and Michael, my buddy Pat, and I dropped by Volpetti during a tour of the neighborhood. The shop was suggeted by Gourmet magazine as a sample-ready store, so it was an immediate sell.

  Element of Interest

Behind the counter were three men, one of which was the manager (he was a bit more frugal about samples than the other two, for obvious reasons). We told them we were visiting them upon Gourmet recommendations, and they armed themselves with toothpicks and tiny napkins. Like children in a candy shop, we frolicked back and forth in front of the glass viewing case, trying tastes of brei, mozzarella, pechorino, proscuitto, brunello, barberesco, etc. Even though the final bill was enough to cause pale cheeks, I can personally say that, without a doubt, it was worth the effort.


While I have no image to insert, a ready impression of salesmen comes to mind: although they sampled anything and everything our curiosity desired, the three men were pushy about our purchases. I recommend you watch what you try, because they will suck out the majority of the spare change in your pockets.