View Page: Nina's Shopping Diary
University of Washington Honors Program in Rome

Nina's Shopping Diary
Your Shopping Diary 1 of 1

8/23/05: This morning I decided to get up early in order to give myself time to find some food for breakfast. After walking in a large semi-circle around the small streets surrounding the Campo, I ended up where I started at the tent of a vendor. The selection of fruit was certainly not as vast as what I might find at Safeway on any given morning, but the quality surpassed my expectations. After walking around the tables of figs, apples, pineapple, melons and other fruits, I finally decided on a peach. Before doing anything, I watch a couple locals buy some fruit so that I would know what to do. It was simple enough, but seeing it done eased any sort of apprehensions I had due to the whole language barrier problem. So I picked out a medium-sized, perfectly ripe peach and held it up to the vendor. He took it from me with a smile and after weighing it, said "32 cents." I handed over 50 cents, he returned 18 cents, and just like that, I was enjoying a fresh, ripe, delicious peach.
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