View Page: 082705 The Republic of Ancient Rome at its Finest
University of Washington Honors Program in Rome

082705 The Republic of Ancient Rome at its Finest
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Most of us started our mornings by scrambling around to make sure we had our lunches in order for the picnic this afternoon. By nine we were all gathered at the Rome Center clutching our bag lunches and ready to start the day. We began the day by walking to Capitoline Hill, and sat on the steps with a lovely view of the rear of Marcus Aurelius on his horse (in bronze of course). Joel began his presentation and explored the many facets of the Republic versus the Empire of Rome. After the very thorough and intriguing presentation we walked to the Roman Forum. After posing for a quick group photo at a lookout over the ruins, we trekked down to begin the first major presentation of the trip. Perched on pieces of rabble, we listened attentively to Justin begin his presentation. Moving around the Forum to various sites, he detailed the history behind each major building or site, leading us through an almost interactive history of the Roman government. With answers to every question, Justin made the Forum came alive with history.

Then we walked up to the Basilica Maxentius where Leah gave her short presentation on basilicas. With part of the massive structure in the background, she explained the function and design of this important Roman fixture. After walking the length of the basilica and marveling in its grandeur, and how it must have been in its entirety, we moved on to the next presentation. We navigated through the masses of tours that began to infest the Forum and made our way to the Arch of Constantine where Davey began the second major presentation. Traveling up the pathway the triumphs once took, we ended at the Arch of Titus, which was the main subject of the presentation. Davey’s enthusiasm kept us all entertained as we learned about the grand processions of victory that were so important to the Roman culture.

After this we all hiked up the Palatine Hill to eat our lunches. Bag lunches ranged from PB & J to freshly made sandwiches from food bought in or around the Campo. Once we had finished our picnic we meandered through the palace remains, snapping pictures of the Circus Maximus and the ruins. We then made our way down to the Colosseum, where Kayanna presented the history and significance of this prominent structure. The majority of us then went into the Colosseum- avoiding the sleazy gladiators of course. Everyone was impressed by the sheer awesomeness of it (and not just from seeing where Russell Crowe would have fought). Climbing the levels and walking the full circumference elicited many comments in awe of the famous building. This was the conclusion of our class, and everyone dispersed to work on homework, shop or take full advantage of the Saturday night in Rome!
All the presentations done today were extremely well done. Everyone put a lot of work into them and was well prepared. In my opinion they were one of the main highlights of the day. Setting a high standard for the rest of us though! Being able to see such significant monuments and learn the history behind them really added to my experience here in Rome. I think we all really enjoyed being able know the people and events behind the various arches and columns we see.

We also had beautiful weather for all of our walking. And though we did have to walk quite a bit in the heat (someone commented that they should have put escalators on the Palatine Hill), the views were worth it.
Justin's presentation
Justin holds the class captive as he narrates the history of the Forum.
Davey's presentation
Davey enthusiastically explains the process of a triumph.
We all enjoy our lunches at the top of the Palentine Hill.