View Page: Company and the Silence of Rain
University of Washington Honors Program in Rome

Company and the Silence of Rain
Silence and Belief 1 of 1

Thin columns surround the small rectangular space open to the sky in the cloister of Santi Quattro Coronati. The spaces between the columns provide windows into the cozy heart of cloister. When the students entered the cloister, its deep pensiveness immediately pulled them into silence and thought. Some felt the spirituality of the place, others experienced its quiet restfulness. The dry fountain in the center complimented the crunching sound of exploring footsteps on the white gravel surrounding it. Gradually the students settled in, finding that the windows between the columns were the perfect size and shape to sit in comfortably.

Lizzie sat in one of the corner windows and pulled out her journal. Before she began to write, she looked carefully around her, taking in the cool feeling of the column against her back, the faint smell of incense in the air, and the warm orange color of the cloister walls in the sun. The column windows made perfect frames for her friends, and she couldn’t help but watch them intently. Lilly posed for a picture. John sat at Jake’s feet – those two were inseparable. May leaned on the low wall that supported the columns, her cheek on her fist, busily writing in her journal. Samantha sat in a window, her legs delicately crossed, looking into a distance that wasn’t there. Paul sat scowling at his notebook, the sketch-stroke motions of his hand revealing his occupation. Lizzie was so entertained by her friends actions, by their behavior that was so typical of their distinct personalities, that when she turned to her journal and began to write, descriptions of the people around her leaked into her notes on the space. At one point she heard a strange noise. Looking around intently she discovered its source – Tom had fallen asleep in his window just a few columns down her row! It was just too perfect. She smiled to herself and turned back to her journal. Looking over its pages, she realized that the presence of her friends was an integral part of her experience of the space. She closed the book and leaned her head on the pillar behind her. First she watched the other students that were so characteristically occupied in their windows. Then she closed her eyes and meditated on the joy of a shared experience.

Three days later, Lizzie was in Florence, at the church of Santa Croce. As she explored, she lost track of her only companion. Following the signs to the cloister, she found a small, open door into the cool, peaceful space. She was drawn immediately to the lush, green grass in the central open square. There was a misty rain falling, alighting on the grass and tiled roofs so gently that it sounded like the peaceful silence of heaven being pulled down to Earth. She walked through one of the wide arches that surrounded the grass and slipped off her sandals. Stepping onto the cool, wet grass, she closed her eyes and turned her palms upward so that she could feel the tiny drops of rain hitting her skin. The smell of fresh, wet earth, the cool breeze, and the soft rain all made her feel at home and connected to God in a way that she had lost in the big city. She savored every moment, taking deep breaths and walking slowly to feel the pleasant crush of grass under her feet.