View Page: Giancolo
University of Washington Honors Program in Rome

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Giancolo. Also known as the Janiculum hill.

  Ancient Image

Rather than think of an image of the hill itself, I prefer to think of the view from the hill. When I went to visit this hill, I did it more to admire the view from the top than to look at the hill itself. In ancient times, I picture the view to have been of the glorious city, with narrow roads interrupting the flow of the buildings. Due to my poor sense of history and chronology, I picture all the historic landmarks to be in equally brand new condition.

  Contemporary Image

I saw the view from this hill at sunrise. It was an awe-inspiring sight. As the light increased over the tile roofs and all the cupolas and steeples, every churchbell in the city started ringing like crazy. From the top of the hill, your view is a straight shot at the Vittorio Emanuelle II monument, with St. Peter's Basilica on the left side in the foreground.

  Image Analysis

At sunrise, when you stand at the top of the Janiculum hill and here all the bells in the city ringing in excited anticipation, you feel as if you are a part of an event that is timeless. It is only on later thought that you realize that this even would not have happened in ancient times, due to a lack of churches. I don't think that ancient temples had bells, but I could be wrong.