View Page: Pizza alla palla
University of Washington Honors Program in Rome

Pizza alla palla
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Vioglo de Pizza

  Location and Hours

Location: Via dei Giubbonari 33

Hours: "No stop"


four stars

  Price Range

An average-sized slice of pizza with a beverage is generally in the range of three to four euros.

  Time of Visit

I have been to this restaurant on multiple occasions, for either lunch or dinner. Today's visit (9/2/03) was around one o'clock in the afternoon.


The pizzeria is of a pretty small size. There are a few tables indoors, and a few tables outside in the alley. The tables in the alley are generally better because it is generally cooler and less stuffy than indoors.
Any time is a good time for a visit. Even during peak dining hours, the pizzeria is never too crowded.


For today's lunch, I had a slice of pepper pizza. The pizza had no other topping on it but peppers. It was very tasty, though I had some difficulties with the peppers repeatedly sliding off the slice.


Every time I have gone to this pizzeria, I've ordered a different kind of pizza, and it has always been delicious. The service is efficient, and does not go beyond that. One thing to be aware of is that the cashiers at this restaurant, much like most Roman cashiers I've noticed, really hate to make change. They have been known to refuse service from someone who handed them a fifty, and even when they do accept it, they do it with a heavy sigh and a sneer. Aside from that, the food is always tasty and always ready within a minute or two. I recommend it.