View Page: Santa Sabina
University of Washington Honors Program in Rome

Santa Sabina
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My favorite church in Rome is the Santa Sabina.

  Reason for Selection

This church, unlike so many of the others we have visited, is very simple and elegant. It is far from bare, yet much farther from gaudy. The ceiling, rather than being plastered with gold, statues, or paintings of heaven or hell, is a simple pattern of stars. The walls are mostly white, with an occasional painting here and there. The size and architectural aspects of the church are inspiring and instill a sense of respect and meditation, and it is enough to leave it at that. There is no need for cramming in as many paintings and sculptures as possible.


At the top of the church, just under the ceiling, windows take up the whole length of the walls. Just before noon, and any other time in the day, the sunlight pours in through these unstained glass windows and brilliantly illuminates the inside of the church. No artificial lighting is required. This was the first, and remains the only church I have been in that had no artificial light and still remained very well lit.

  Memorable Visit

The first time I visited this church was with the class on the day of the big walk along the Teatro Marcello, the Santa Maria in Cosmedin, and the Parco Savello. I was very unimpressed by the Santa Maria in Cosmedin, the inside of which was dark and dreary. After seeing that church, however, we walked to the Santa Sabina, passed through the large wooden doors with the oldest depictions of the crucifixion, and entered into the fabulously well-lit, simple beauty of the church. It is by far my favorite church we have visited so far.


The image I will carry away with me is the image of the twenty-four matching columns going along the sides of the church. Above those twenty-four columns, the row of beautifully simple windows allowing natural light into the church. That is the image I will remember of my favorite church in Rome.