View Article: Between the Cobblestones Poem
University of Washington Honors Program in Rome

Between the Cobblestones Poem
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Accompanying Poem to our “Found between the Cobblestones” Alter

Note: Most of the stanza refer to a particular treasure (of piece of trash) we found in Rome. The objects are noted in the body of the poem.

By Judy, Katie, Minh-an and Sariah

From Seattle we found the Campo
We four were the last to arrive
Stuck together in dorm style housing
There were doubts to how we’d survive

Our bathroom stunk when we first entered
For five weeks we did not go there
The entire apartment is now gross
Want proof….look down….it’s all our hair

Rome too is full of filth, dirt and rubbish
Broken class, cups, gelato cones
Our alter here is to trash and chance
With things from between the cobblestones

Each piece is a relic of the city
They tell our times, good and bad
We’ve got a few words for each item
Some true, some fake, happy or sad

(Virgin Mary Pendent)
Mary was our first find in Rome’s streets
Right here she lends a religious charm
A reminder of intersections
Where Mary sits, protector from harm

(Tiny Pink Plastic Gelato Spoon)
Stuffing our faces with gelato
Is socially acceptable here
Have it for breakfast, lunch and dinner
Despite how good food may appear

Ignore the queasy feeling in your stomach
For it will soon disappear
Think Pistachio con Stracciatella
Glorious music to the ear

(Hare Krishna Calling Card)
Outside the Pantheon what a sight
As Hare Krishnas dance and sing
People crowd to see the commotion
Surprised to see such a thing

(AA Battery)
We always see batteries down here
All the tourists clicking away
It’s like find a garbage can you jerks
We pass by about 50 a day

Flash photography is a no-no
Why can’t they just read the damn signs?
You end up taking the same pictures
And you can find them all online

(Porcelain Saucer)
Standing or sitting I love coffee
It makes everything right
Vorrei un caffe e cornetto
Anytime, morning, noon or night

The saucer you can find anywhere
But in Italy it means more
Coffee, cornettos, even vino
They don’t taste the same from the store

I’ll really miss the bars over here’
I do love my daily routine
Cuppy and cornetto every morn
Got addictions? I am the queen

(Wine Cork and Opener)
As we journeyed to be connoisseurs
Massimo taught all about wine
Then we drank a little bit more
To practice walking in straight lines

(Cigarette Lighter)
There’s tons of cigarette butts out there
Smoke always blowing in your face
Gotta say, it’s not real fun
Makes one wanna sic’em with mace

(One Euro Coin)
The money in Rome is the Euro
Here, everything costs us so much
Except at markets and street corners
Where bargaining is not a crutch

You just can’t beat the shopping in Rome
Bartering to decrease the fee
Seems one of us go carried away
Can’t imagine who that might be

But really, Florence, was the greatest
Shoes, scarves, clothes and purses galore
Maybe we did get carried away
Come on, would you ask for more?

(Rose of Street Vendor)
You wretched man take back your red rose
I will not be so quickly conned
What did you say? You’re too old for me!
Do I look like I will respond?

(Foot Long Green Plastic Truck)
We stole the truck from a little kid
He cried and chased us as we ran
We darted through narrow alleys
Hiding behind a garbage can

Poor little kid who lost his green truck
We pretty much ruined his day
Too bad this story is all untrue
We found it in Trastevere

(Playing Card, Five of Spades)
I walk around a corner and bam!
I find something unexpected
Gelato, fountain, creepy old man
Rome holds more than we suspected

The playing card symbolizes chance
You never know what you’ll find next
The city is filled with mysteries
If only we could read the text

(Mystery Piece of Official-Looking Paper)
Yet another thing we just can’t read
What’s its translation? You tell me
You’d think by now we could figure it out
But we do know Arrivederci

Now that we’ve picked-up crap from the streets
Excuse us while we wash our hands
Remember, we don’t use our bathroom
Thank goodness for Rome’s water stands

We’re sorry to say goodbye to Rome
For we will surely miss it all
The past five weeks have gone by too fast
As we move outside of Rome’s wall
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