View Page: 090905 Buon Viaggio! Off to Paestum!
University of Washington Honors Program in Rome

090905 Buon Viaggio! Off to Paestum!
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We finally arrive at Agritourismo Seliano and check out the surroundings.
Getting to know the Buffalo!
At the Temples
6:25am- Our bus leaves for Paestum at exactly 7am. We’ve been told that arriving any later means not joining the trip. The entire girls’ apartment is wide awake. We’re scrambling for showers, brushing teeth, and perhaps even doing some last minute packing.

6:40am- We leave the apartment a bit early for the five minute walk to the meeting point at Lungotevere where the bus will pick us up. We cannot be late; we arrive before the professors.

6:58am- The entire group has arrived except Joel and Justin. We pile into the bus half-awake.

7:02- Lisa’s urgent phone call has wakes Joel and Justin up. They were blissfully sleeping in their beds.

7:10- Justin’s hair is flopping in the wind as he turns the corner, running toward the bus. No Joel in sight.

7:11- Justin stops and turns to look for Joel. Still no Joel in sight.

7:13- Joel comes sprinting around the corner.

7:15 We depart for Paestum

The beginning of our trip day into southern Italy perhaps began on a rocky start, but with Joel and Justin aboard, it was one the most amazing days I’ve spent in Italy. We arrived, exactly on schedule at 11am at Agritourismo Seliano, a buffalo farm. We were a bit groggy from the four-hour journey by bus. Because lunch was not be ready until 1pm and our rooms were not available, a group of boys went swimming in the pool amidst a beautiful rose garden. Another section of the group sat outside, under the shade of large, beautiful trees while Justin caught miniature lizards.

After we have settled into our rooms, lunch was served. We had a four-course lunch on the patio. The patio was the middle of garden and shaded with large, sweeping white curtains. All the food was hand-made and all the ingredients were grown on the farm. Words cannot describe the rich flavors of our meal, but suffice to say, it was one of the best meals we have had in Italy.

Our Menu:
Antipasto: Zucchini in olive oil with fresh herbs and garlic
Primo: Eggplant and ricotta lasagna
Segundo: Buffalo stuffed with cheese and served with a fresh tomato salsa
Dessert: Almond Ricotta Torta

After some delicious coffee, we went off to the annex where one group of students was staying. All the rooms seem frozen in time: they are elegantly decorated with golden chairs, expansive cabinets, huge paintings, and chandlers.

After dropping of our belongings, we toured the buffalo farm. Even before the tour began, Joe had already befriended the buffalo; they were delightfully licking his hand. We saw the behind the scenes work of taking care of buffalo and perhaps most of us had a renewed desire to be vegetarians.

Next, we piled onto the bus and toured the temple ruins found in the Paestum countryside. The temples were built from 530-410 BCE by the Greeks; Paestum was the Northern most Greek settlement in Italy. They are some of the best preserved examples of Doric style temples. After Peter’s small presentation on the temples, the group scattered to walk around the ruins. Some of us did some writing in our journals, some venture further into the ruins, and yet others explore the museum.

We arrived back at the hotel at 5:45pm and by 6pm, we had gathered around the pool in our bathing suits. We had a desire not only to join the pool, but to find a way to digest the food; we needed room for the huge dinner we were about to eat. While, some of the group chose to sit outside the pool, reading and chatting, most of us, including Shawn, played an intense game of water Frisbee.

Dinner was served promptly at 8pm. It is hard to imagine a dinner that could top the deliciousness of lunch, but it is possible. Consider the dinner menu:

The Dinner Menu:
Antipasto: Bread rolls stuffed with cheese and herbs
Tomato Salad with crunchy bread
Primo: Spaghetti with fresh tomato sauce
Segundo: Torta Rustica
Dessert: Cake soaked in rose water with a berry filling and topped fresh whipping cream

After that meal and the activities of the day, there was nothing left to do, but sleep!
Only one word is required: food.