View Article: Santa Prassede
University of Washington Honors Program in Rome

Santa Prassede
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The religious message is simple: remember and respect God’s place within your life. So when comparing Santa Prassede to the more grand St.Peter’s Basilica, one can use the criteria of functionality. The mosaics of Santa Prassede depict a clear message. There are the two sisters and the Pope St. Paschal on one side of Christ, while on the other stand Paul and Peter. They all closely represent the religious ideology and require a remembrance the sacrifice of these Saints and Martyrs. The mosaics are artistically simple as well. The pieces are larger than those found in later churches. The pictures lack perspective and depth. However, the complexities of artistic ability and design seem unnecessary. The religious message does not need to be glittered with life-size portraits or decorated in intricacies to evoke its spiritual message within the viewer. What is required for reaching the core of the message is for the viewer to connect with the painting- to find their place within the religious message because the art’s representation of the religious message. Santa Prassede is quite successful in its approachability.

On the other hand, everything about St. Peter’s Basilica from the entrance to the apse is large and overwhelming. The art is grand, the paints are intricate and life-like, and each detail is essentially perfect. However, the viewer embodies none of these perfections. It becomes difficult to relate and forge a spiritual relationship in such a setting. The religious atmosphere must make the viewer comfortable and be welcoming as Santa Prassede successfully does. The everyday viewer may be in awe of the grandeur and beauty of Basilica, but never has a religious experience. It is only as I saw pilgrims clutching the feet of the statue of St. Peter that I felt any spiritual connection the church. Otherwise, it seems to be too large and cold, both physically and emotionally, to hold by attention or serve its religious purpose. This is primarily because St. Peter’s Basilica serves another distinct purpose.

So, Santa Prassede is more welcoming and attainable. It remains in the realm of the everyday man and therefore allows for a true spiritual connection. Whereas, the function of the St. Peter’s Basilica is quite reminiscent of the ancient Roman Basilica; it seeks to awe the viewer with the gold, marble, grand paintings, and impressive statues. It signifies the Heavenly world on Earth. Therefore, the use of extravagance is appropriate. The viewer is forced to compare the real world outside of the Basilica to the opulence of the Basilica’s interior. The functions of the church though quite different, both seek to remind the viewer of that which Christianity can offer, both spiritually and through physical symbolism.