View Page: Piazza Farnese
University of Washington Honors Program in Rome

Piazza Farnese
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I have chosen Piazza Farnese.

  Reason for Selection

This is the only piazza that I have visited where I felt like a true Roman. A couple of us bought beers from a local convenience store one night and sat around the fountain in the piazza, drinking and chatting leisurely. We chose this piazza and not the Campo because it was much quieter, less crowded, and allowed us to enjoy each other's company and to enjoy one of the last summer nights we would see in a long time.


Upon initial entry, this piazza seems a little bare compared to other piazzas. The fountains are small, they have none of the grandeur of Piazza Navona or Piazza di Trevi. They are instead two large basins filled with crystal clear, ice cold water with plenty of seating around the edges. There aren't many shops or restaurants lining the area, none of the tourist attractions that make the Campo so busy and overpriced each night. It is instead peaceful, the quiet interrupted occasionally by a burst of laughter from a small group sitting at a cafe or gathered around the fountain, altogether a pleasant place to sit outside and enjoy the evening without dealing with the crowds and noise of the other piazzas.


I will remember being able to enjoy the company of friends in this piazza in true Roman form - a drink in each hand and a smile on every face, a good time had by all.