View Article: Pompeii trip
University of Washington Honors Program in Rome

Pompeii trip
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We visited Pompeii.

  Connection to Research

We didn't actually get to go to most of the places in Pompeii that I had researched because it was so crowded and we didn't have enough time. I thought that the places we did visit were interesting, unbelievably complete, and very well preserved. Visiting the Naples Archeological Museum added a lot of depth to the Pompeii experience because it gave a much clearer picture of what the city looked like, it is unfortunate that all of the artifacts had to be taken out of the original site.

  Element of Interest

I was really interested in the brothel because it is unlike anything you see in towns today. I thought it was funny that there was a huge line to get into the brothel while the rest of the streets and sites were somewhat barren. People shuffled through the small tight space and tried to get a quick shot of the frescoes before continuing on in a daze throught the rest of the ruins, even though a lot of the other sites were more impressive.


What would the city have become if Mt. Vesuvius had not erupted?

After seeing the town and the artifacts I am sure that Pompeii would have grown into a very large and prosperous city. It was founded in an unfortunate location

  Image Analysis
Stabian Baths

This is a picture from inside one of the rooms at the Stabian Baths, the most complete in Pompeii. The picture does not do justice to the beauty in the room - the ceilings are beautiful. They are intricately designed and delicately painted, detail which is completely lost in a photograph.