View Page: 090705 Modern Triumphs
University of Washington Honors Program in Rome

090705 Modern Triumphs
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Our day started bright and somewhat early at 9 in front of the Pio. From here the class was given a brief introduction of the Campidolgio by Sariah. Then we made our way into the Fori Imperiale, walking up 124 steps and arriving by Katie’s side, where she handed us cookies and juice. We didn’t walk down the steps, but walked instead through building to begin Joel’s presentation on Mussolini’s redesign of Rome, which was interesting to compare and contrast with the church’s commission for Michelangelo’s redesign of the square.
Shawn’s family was there for our trip as well; little Peter was going on this trip with us. The walk to the Campidoglio became very hot quickly. But nonetheless we made it there, with a fabulous presentation by Sariah, who claimed that it was the “most mystical and political site in Rome,” (she mentioned that a few other historians theorized similarly). Michelangelo’s design, or redesign of the place would always be interesting to learn about. Especially when there are extra notes about myths, and river gods.

Katie’s presentation was on Ceremonial Processions and Festivals, which ranged from ancient fertility rituals (where men would run around and slap women with leather bands, and vestal virgins would bake cakes) to modern day church proceedings. It was interesting to learn about the church’s power in these ceremonies and in culture today. The church, as usual was beautiful, but no photos could be taken.

Joel’s presentation was loaded with fascinating history and theory. Starting with the rise of fascism as an inversion to communism, to Mussolini’s argument for Italy’s new empire, using Ancient Rome as an example. The walk to these destinations was hot but rewarding. Most of us hadn’t noticed the maps of Italy’s conquest before on the ancient walls.

Luckily, the class ended around 12, and it started raining heavily around 2. The rain didn’t really stop until 5, so I can imagine that most of the students were working on their assignments in the Rome Center or sleeping at their apartments. Or perhaps running to the Pantheon for the great view or just singing in the rain. Either way, it was practically a perfect day, full of just the right amount of fun and work.
The stairs to Campidolgio
The first set of stairs...
The Great Stairs
Sariah's Presentation
Everybody is posing a bit differently... =)
Cone heads
No one is forgetting these...
The staircase to the Fori Imperiale
124 stairs...
Mussolini’s argument for Italy’s new empire
Map of Ancient Rome's empire...
Photo by Shawn Wong
Joel's presentation
Joel lecturing on top of the Vittorio Emanuelle II monument