View Page: Vatican Museums
University of Washington Honors Program in Rome

Vatican Museums
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  Site Location

The Vatican Galleries are located amongst the Vatican complex on the western side of the Fiume Tevere (main river which bisects Rome).

  Site History

The Vatican museums house centuries of Christian art, dating back to the 1400's. The first nucleus of museums took shape during the Renaissance, and every succeeding Pope has expanded the collection of priceless art treasures.

  Elements of Interest

This is the center of the universe as far as Christian art goes. The main attraction is, of course, the Sistine Chapel. The ceiling of the chapel is covered with frescoes by various artists, depicting biblical stories and relaying Christianity's complex theological argument. Michelangelo, Botticelli, Rosselli, Diamante, and Ghirlandaio are but a few artists who have blessed the walls with their work. Another important room is the Raphael Stanze. During the early sixteenth century, Raphael decorated Julius II's apartments with intricate paintings. The most famous being the "School of Athens", which depicts ancient philosophers and Renaissance artists congregated in a Roman square.

  Analyze Image
The Sistine Chapel

This comprehensive work of art looks astonishing. It is impossible to capture all the images in one picture, since the entire room is covered with paintings. I think we will just have to wait to see this room in person to understand its magnificence.

  Site Questions

Is the Sistine Chapel used for any religious ceremonies today?
Why was Raphael commissioned to do so much work within the Vatican Galleries?