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University of Washington Honors Program in Rome

The Wrath of God
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Shopping & Haggling.
1. Costa l'ira di Dio!
2. Costa un'occhio!
3. Che affare!
4. E' un affare!
5. Non e' un affare!
1. It costs the wrath of god! (Dude, you are angering the Gods by setting the price this high!)
2. Oh it costs an eye! (It hurts to see such a high price)
3. What a deal!
4. It's a deal!
5. No! it's not a deal!
Photo by Julia
Prada Bag
Evan successfully manipulated the haggling situation to obtain a knock off briefcase at a price of 12 Euro.
"We only have SIX hours left here in Florence! We must go shopping!" -- Andrea

Italy is one of the best places for the ladies to spend beautiful afternoons to explore the stores. However, the products are often much overpriced to rip off rich, naive tourists. Haggling hence becomes an essential skill; to do it right, follow this guide.

Best used on a street vender; e.g. West Africans selling fake purses, sun glasses, paintings, posters, and the list goes on and on. One could also try this in places such as leather shops, clothing stores, etc.

See Below. Most transactions follow almost the exact format.

Copyright: 2004 by Evan Xu

Scenario: Evan vs. Nigerian Merchant of Stolen Milano Prada Briefcases (NMSMPB)

Evan (points to his favorite Prada briefcase): "Quanta costa questo?"
NMSMPB: 320 Euros
Evan (appeared shocked): "Costa l'ira di Dio!"
NMSMPB (points to the Prada tag): Prada, Prada you see? Very good, very good quality! Very good product! Look, look!
Evan (smiles, turns and walks away): "Grazie"
NMSMPB (worried): Wait a second, wait a second. My friend, my friend. How much can you give?
Evan: "Dieci Euro".
NMSMPB (dismayed): that is very little, very little. Prada is a good, good merchant. Please, give, give more... Let me see, I give you discount. Discount. 120 Euro.
Evan: "Costa un'occhio!"
NMSMPB: How much can you give?
Evan: "Dieci Euro".
Evan shakes his head, says "Non e un affare", and walks away.
NMSMPB (picks up the brief case, follows after, and calls out): My friend, my friend, wait! Wait! I give it to you for 50. 50 Euro.
Evan keeps walking.
NMSMPB (catches up): ok, ok. Thirty-Five. Thirty-Five.
Evan (turns): "Dodici".
NMSMPB: take it.
Evan (hands over the cash): "Ecco a lei."
NMSMPB (hands over the bag): Grazie Ciao.
Evan:"E'un affare."

(Note: usually, bags of similar design, but without Prada/Gucci tags, cost between 3 and 15 in the Sunday Flea Market in Trastevere region in Rome. Price would also depend on the size of the bag).