The “Inquiry to Student Environmental Action” (I2SEA) project promotes international collaboration among high school and secondary school students as they learn about, discuss, and envision solutions to shared environmental challenges.
In particular, we offer the following free, interactive digital learning tools relating to climate change and ocean acidification:

Calculate your carbon footprint, and then post class data on the Challenge world map.
Discuss footprint reduction strategies and envision broader solutions on our new discussion forum (launched 9/14).
Level: Middle school, Secondary school.
Students Follow the Water, to make connections between watersheds and ocean & climate health
Level: Middle school (ages ~10-13).
Students forge collaborations through waterways and across the ocean to address shared environmental challenges by taking local actions.
Updated Feb, 2020.
Level: Secondary school.
Calculate your carbon footprints using our international, student-oriented footprint calculator.
Updated May, 2015 with full mobile and tablet support.
Level: Middle school, Secondary school, and beyond. ¡Tambien disponible en Español!
Explore the chemistry of ocean acidification and its impacts on sea urchin larvae through interactive models, a virtual lab bench, and a microscope measurement tool.
Now available in 5 languages: English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish-recently added!
Level: Secondary school & introductory college.
Follow an interactive VoiceThread™ presentation given by the I2SEA project co-director and acidification expert Dr. Sam Dupont.
Contact us to set up a class session, then students can leave questions for Dr. Dupont, who will respond and continue the dialog.
Level: Secondary school.
Devise a research question related to climate change and ocean acidification, formulate a hypothesis and apply for "funding" to test it.
Students choose their own study conditions, subjects and numbers of replicates, analyze realistic data, and share their results with classmates through a poster presentation.
Level: Secondary school & introductory college.
Please explore and share these free educational resources, and contact us for more information or to join our international projects!