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Welcome to the Bonds Across the Water ePen-Pal discussion forum!

Our goal is to promote student understanding about and actions to address climate change and ocean acidification, and for students to share their perspectives and solutions with peers across the Pacific Northwest and around the Pacific Rim.

Participating students should post here to meet your colleagues around the Pacific and to share your thoughts and actions about watershed, ocean health and climate change!

Student Discussion >

helping out the environment


hi everybody but I'm Ationomua Chongwong and I did a previous post about giving back to the environment on a different account but this is a new one because I forgot my account for the last one but here is another one to share with you guys about how were helping to save our community or in general terms our world, but last couple of days I have been working on growing plants found locally on our island and also I've been able to help out my family making beautiful gardens which help make our environment look beautiful and increase nutrient to spread around to help grow things on planet earth as we occupy over it. 


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