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Welcome to the Bonds Across the Water ePen-Pal discussion forum!

Our goal is to promote student understanding about and actions to address climate change and ocean acidification, and for students to share their perspectives and solutions with peers across the Pacific Northwest and around the Pacific Rim.

Participating students should post here to meet your colleagues around the Pacific and to share your thoughts and actions about watershed, ocean health and climate change!

Student Discussion >

More Harmful Bacteria In the Puget Sound

Martha Nguyen

This is a huge problem for marine species, marine businesses, and even YOUR health.  For marine animals, if they are living in polluted waters they ingest PCB, a chlorine compound that causes cancer for humans.  If you are swimming in water full of bacteria like Puget Sound, you are most likely to get gastroenteritis.  Gastroenteritis has a lot of symptoms that you would want to avoid.  All of these bacteria in Puget Sound is caused by human and animal waste, mostly from failed sewage systems.

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