All posts by Chen Wu

Soldotna so awesome

Reading back further into this blog, it’s apparent that plenty has already been said about how wonderful the clinical [and natural!] environment in Soldotna is. I’ll just confirm that every bit of praise lavished at this WWAMI site is justly deserved.

No Virginia, there is no Santa Claus, but what does exist is a magical primary care practice called Peninsula Internal Medicine where you can find in abundance those qualities of being a doctor – the independence, the impact, the close relationships with patients and other providers alike – that we all crave yet find oh so elusive in residency.

Personally, as someone interested in health care systems, a month at PIM gave me the opportunity to step outside the academic bubble and see first-hand how things work in the private practice world. Whether you want to gain procedural skills, experience different models of health care delivery, or just spot some moose, this rotation is not to be missed.

Welcome to nirvana.
What awaits you on the drive out of Anchorage.
Mountains beyond mountains.
Mountains beyond mountains.
Great name for a boat.
Great name for a boat.
Bush flying.
Bush flying.
Annual migration of the common Winnebago species.
Annual migration of the common Winnebago species.
Playing in paradise.
Playing in paradise.