
About Us

iWorld is the UW student chapter of SIG-III, ASIS&T's special interest group dedicated to international issues.


The American Society of Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T) has numerous special interest groups (SIGs). One of these is the International Information Issues SIG, or SIG-III. According to the ASIS&T site, the "purposes of SIG/III are a) to promote better awareness among ASIS&T members and information professionals of the importance of international cooperation; b) to facilitate and enhance better communication and interaction among ASIS&T members and their foreign colleagues on information issues; and c) to provide a forum for exploring and discussing international information issues and problems. SIG/III membership includes most non-U.S. ASIS&T members and a true cross-section of U.S. ASIS&T members."

The Information School's SIG-III student chapter (iWorld) offers students an opportunity to learn more about how our work relates to the global community. Many of the students involved have lived abroad, and our experiences have fostered a curiosity for international issues and world cultures. iWorld is a forum for conversation about library and information topics outside the U.S. as well as issues of culture and diversity within the U.S. information field.