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Civil Rights and Labor History Consortium / University of Washington

Select Bibliography - Seattle/Seiatel':The American Commune” in the Soviet Union, 1922-1939

By Robert Cherny and Seth Bernstein

Published Works on Soviet Communes or Finns in the Soviet Union:


Baron, Nick.  KareliaPlanning, Politics, and Terror in Stalin’s Russia, 1920-1939.  London:  Routledge, 2007.


Gelb, Michael. “‘Karelian Fever’:  The Finnish Immigrant Community During Stalin’s Purges.”  Europe Asia Studies 45 (1993): 1091-1116.


Golubev, Alexey, and Irina Takala.  The Search for a Socialist El Dorado:  Finnish Immigration to Soviet Karelia from the United States and Canada in the 1930s. East Lansing:  Michigan State University Press, 2014.


Kero, Reino.  “The Tragedy of Joonas Harju of Hiilisuo Commune, Soviet Karelia 1933-1936.”   Online at 


Lam, Kitty.  “Forging a Socialist Homeland From Multiple Worlds:  North American Finns in Soviet Karelia, 1921-1938.”  Revista Română pentru Studii Baltice şi Nordice 2 (2010): 203-224.


Pogorelskin, Alexis.  “New Perspectives on Karelian Fever: The Recruitment of North American Finns to Karelia in the Early 1930's.”  Journal of Finnish Studies, 1 (Dec. 1997): 165-178.


Sevander, Mayme.  Red Exodus: Finnish American Emigration to Russia.  Duluth: OSCAT, 1993.


Stites, Richard.  Revolutionary DreamsUtopian Vision and Experimental Life in the Russian Revolution.  New York: Oxford University Press, 1989.


Wesson, Robert G.  Soviet Communes.  New Brunswick, N.J.:  Rutgers University Press, 1963.


_____.  "The Soviet Communes."  Soviet Studies 13 (April 1962): 341-361.


Studies of Seattle/Seiatel':


Bernstein, Seth, and Robert Cherny.  “Searching for the Soviet Dream: Prosperity and Disillusionment on the Soviet Seattle Agricultural Commune, 1922-1927.”  Agricultural History 88 (2014): 22-44.


Nelson, Allan.  The Nelson Brothers:  Finnish-American Radicals from the Mendocino Coast.  Ukiah:  Mendocino County Historical Society, 2005.


Romanovskii,Ivan. “Rol’ kul’turnoi granitsy v konstruirovanii lokal’nogo soobshchestva (na primere poselka ‘Seiatel’’ Sal’skogo raiona Rostovskoi oblasti)” [The Role of Cultural Boundaries in the Construction of a Local Society (the case of the settlement ‘Seattle,’ Sal’sk district, Rostov province)].  PhD diss., Moscow State University of Culture and Arts, 2012.


Vanhala, Harri.  Kommuuna Kylväjä:  Suomalaisia siirtolaisia mustan mullan alueella Neuvosto-Venäjällä (Commune Seattle/Seyatel':  Finnish settlers in the fertile steppes of Soviet Russia).  Forthcoming.


Ylikangas, Mikko.  “The Sower Commune: An American Finnish Agricultural Utopia in the Soviet Russia.”  Journal of Finnish Studies 15 (November 2011): 51-85.


Primary Sources Seattle/Seiatel':


“Amerikanskaia kommuna” (The American Commune).  Pravda, May 1, 1929, p. 3.


Cheporov, Edgar, and Pyotr Yashchenko. “1922 Seattle Commune Thrives in Russia.”  Longview [Washington] Daily News, Nov. 11-12, 1967, p. 2.


Delafield, E. M. [Elizabeth Monica Dashwood]. The Provincial Lady in Russia.  Chicago:  Academic Chicago Publishers, 1985, 1998.


Haapalainen, Eero.  Kommuuni Kylvãjã (The Sower Commune).  Petroskoi, 1935.


Kozlov, Mikhail.  “Po Sal’skim zemlim, v gostiakh u amerikantsev” (Near Salsk, Visiting the Americans).  Rabochii Don, Oct. 6, 1923, p. 3.


Kuula, E.  Letter.  Toveri, May 12, 1925.


Leino, Leo.  Letter.  Red Karelia, December 18, 1929


Mamanov, Mikhail M.  Glubokie Korni (Deep Roots). Rostov-na-Donu:  Rostovskoe Knizhnoe Izdatelstvo, 1968.


Moscow Daily News:


           Gerbac, Richard.  “Commune Reviews Ten Years.”  Oct. 20, 1932.


           Strong, Anna Louise.  “Commune Seattle--A Story of Success.” Sep. 5, 1933.


National Archive of Finland. 


Nelson, Arvid - Enoch Nelson Correspondence.  Arvid Nelson Papers, Subseries 2, Immigration History Research Center, College of Liberal Arts, University of Minnesota.


“S kogo brat primer” (From whom to take an example).  Molot.  August 12, 1928, p. 3.


Salskii Pakhar:


           “Den v ‘Seattle’” (A Day at Seattle).  Oct. 8, 1929, p. 2.


           “Kommuna 'Seattle' gotovitsia Pervomaiskii karnival”  (Commune Seattle is preparing a May Day carnival).  Apr. 26 1929.


           “Kommuna Seiatel” (Commune Sower).  July 29, 1925, p. 3.


           “Obratsovaia kommuna” (The Model Commune).  Dec. 7,1925, p. 3.


State Archive of the Rostov Region (Gosudarstvenny Archiv Rostovskoy Oblasti).


Strong, Anna Louise.  I Change Worlds:  The Remaking of an American. 1935, 1963; reprint edn., Seattle: Seal Press, 1979. 


 “V gostiakh u amerikantsev” (Visiting the Americans).  Trudavoi Don.  October 6, 1923, p. 5.


Voloshinova, Vera. “Gde net truda” (Where There is No Labor).  Molot, Oct. 25, 2002.


Webb, Sidney and Beatrice.  Soviet Communism:  A New Civilization.  3rd edn. London:  Longmans, Green and Co., 1944.

Other Works on Seattle/Seiatel':


Hailuodon kalastajasta kolhoosin johtajaksi (From a Hailuoto Fisherman to the Chairman of a Collective Farm).  Documentary film,1985.