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Civil Rights and Labor History Consortium / University of Washington

Seattle Union Record - January 1919

A daily newspaper owned by the Seattle Central Labor Council, the Union Record was the voice of labor in Seattle. Selling up to 60,000 copies in two eight-page editions published every day except Saturday, it competed effectively against the city's three other dailies. The Union Record played a key role in the events of early 1919, covering the deliberations of Central Labor Council and member unions, explaining the shipyard strike that began on January 21, and the planning for the general strike that followed on February 6. Here are high resolution pdf copies of each issue of the newspaper published in February. Click here for February issues of the Union Record.

Jan 1, 1919

Jan 2, 1919

Jan 3, 1919

Jan 4, 1919

Jan 6, 1919

Jan 7, 1919

Jan 8, 1919

Jan 9, 1919

Jan 10, 1919

Jan 11, 1919

Jan 13, 1919

Jan 14, 1919

Jan 15, 1919

Jan 16, 1919

Jan 17, 1919

Jan 18, 1919

Jan 20, 1919

Jan 21, 1919

Jan 22, 1919

Jan 23, 1919


Jan 24, 1919

Jan 25, 1919

Jan 27, 1919

Jan 28, 1919

Jan 29, 1919

Jan 30, 1919

January 31, 1919


Source: University of Washington Library Newspaper & Microform collections