Inter-Professional Education or IPE brings students from differing programs together to learn from one another and improve patient outcomes. In the case of the Free Dental Clinic, MEDEX Northwest students and UW Dentistry students work side-by-side to bring a more holistic and team-based approach to the healthcare needs of their patients in a primary care setting. This 6-minute video details the collaborative nature of this effort.
Fall 2017 marks the start of MEDEX Northwest’s 3rd year of partnership in the Safe Harbor Free Dental Clinic project. This weekend dental clinic is an extension of the larger work offered by Safe Harbor Free Clinic in Stanwood, WA.
Held once a month in the Northwest Career and Technical Academy in Mt. Vernon, WA, the dental clinic is a combined effort by Safe Harbor Free Clinic, Medical Teams International, University of Washington School of Dentistry, Skagit Valley College and UW MEDEX Northwest physician assistant training program.
For more on this community-based student initiative, see our previous MEDEX Magazine story, Making Things A Bit Better For Everyone.