Solheim Manufacturing Science & Technology Laboratory

Prof. Ramulu Mamidala
Ramulu Mamidala’s (M. Ramulu) research interest reflects the multi-disciplinary nature of the materials, mechanics and manufacturing engineering. Through the synergy of a number of disciplines such as: solid mechanics, Fracture Mechanics, materials science, numerical simulation and system integration, he was able to develop very successful research programs in manufacturing science and engineering, incorporating fracture mechanics, and fatigue at the University of Washington. Dr. Mamidala’s primary area of research is aircraft materials and structures where he is an international expert on the traditional and traditional machining and surface integrity of composite materials and structures; Developing innovative surface strengthening processes for metallic structures in enhancing the fracture and fatigue properties ; Combination of friction stir welding and superplastic forming methodology was developed to produce near-net-shape Titanium Aerospace Structures. Currently, Diffusion Bonding and superplastic forming process modeling and simulation, Trimming, Drilling, Riveting and surface integrity of composites; Development of Numerical models and simulation of mechanical assembly processes are an active areas of research.
He is the Boeing- Pennell Professor of Engineering and a Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, and was a leader to two interdesciplinary engineering programs, namely Co-director for the Program in Engineering and Manufacturing Management, and Director of the MSE Program in Manufacturing Engineering, University of Washington, Seattle, USA. He received a Bachelor of Engineering (BE) with distinction in 1974 from the Osmania University, India, Master of Technology (M.Tech) in Production Engineering in 1976 from the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, and a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in 1982 from the University of Washington. He was awarded Outstanding Teacher, the college of Engineering, 1985-86 and was ranked in the top ten professors at the University of Washington by graduating students in the TYEE yearbook, 1986. He was awarded the ASM-IIM International Lectureship Award in 1985-86, the SAE’s Ralph R. Teetor Award in 1987, the ASEE’s AT&T Foundation Award in 1989, the NSF Presidential Young Investigator Award in 1989, the Faculty Excellence Award in 1991 from the MSEP, University of Washington, 1994 Academic Engineer of the Year Award from the Puget Sound Engineering Council, R1edu award in 2004 for outstanding contribution to on-line learning (distance education), Distinguished Alumina in Academics. Osmania University in 2007, Distinguished Contributions to Life Long Learning Award, University of Washington in 2012, Isadore T. Davis Award for Excellence in Collaboration of Engineering Education and Industry from American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) June 2013; “Jud Hall” Composites Manufacturing Award 2014. He is a member of Washington State Academy of Sciences 2015, and ASME Fellow in 1995, Fellow of SEM in 1998, Fellow ASM International in 1999 and Fellow of SME in 2007. Received Waterjet Technology Association (WJTA)’s Technolgy Award in 2007 and best paper awards in 2007 and 2001, 1999 respectively. He has edited five ASME Symposium Proceedings and Co-edited a book “ Machining of Ceramics and Composites” published by Marcel & Dekkar in 1999. He is one of the founding members of “Machining Science and Technology” Journal. He is also serving/served as an Associate Editor of Machining Science and Technology, International Journal of Machining and Machinability of Materials and ASME Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology.
Ramulu Mamidala
Curriculum Vitae