UW Nanopore Biophysics

University of Washington Department of Physics  

Title Authors Journal Date
Nanopore tweezers show fractional-nucleotide translocation in sequence-dependent pausing by RNA polymerase Ian C. Nova, Jonathan M. Craig, Abhishek Mazumder, Andrew H. Laszlo, Ian M. Derrington, Matthew T. Noakes, Henry Brinkerhoff, Shuya Yang, Hanif Vahedian-Movahed, Lingting Li, Yu Zhang, Jasmine L. Bowman, Jesse R. Huang, Jonathan W. Mount, Richard H. Ebright, Jens H. Gundlach PNAS 2024
Nanopores map the acid-base properties of a single site in a single DNA molecule Drew C. Smith, Christopher A. Thomas, Jonathan M. Craig, Henry Brinkerhoff, Sarah J. Abell, Michaela C. Franzi, Jessica D. Carrasco, Shuichi Hoshika, Steven A. Benner, Jens H. Gundlach, Andrew H. Laszlo Nucleic Acids Research 2024
Detection of phosphorylation post-translational modifications along single peptides with nanopores Ian C. Nova, Justas Ritmejeris, Henry Brinkerhoff, Theo J.R. Koenig, Jens H. Gundlach, Cees Dekker Nature Biotechnology 2024
Enzymatic synthesis and nanopore sequencing of 12-letter supernumerary DNA Hinako Kawabe, Christopher A. Thomas, Shuichi Hoshika, Myong-Jung Kim, Logan Miessner, Nicholas Kaplan, Jonathan M. Craig, Jens H. Gundlach, Andrew H. Laszlo, Steven A. Benner, Jorge A. Marchand Nature Communications 2023
Observing inhibition of the SARS-CoV-2 helicase at single-nucleotide resolution Sinduja K. Marx, Keith J. Mickolajczyk, Jonathan M. Craig, Christopher A. Thomas, Akira M. Pfeffer, Sarah J. Abell, Jessica D. Carrasco, Michaela C. Franzi, Jesse R. Huang, Hwanhee C. Kim, Henry Brinkerhoff, Tarun M. Kapoor, Jens H. Gundlach, Andrew H. Laszlo, Nucleic Acids Research 2023
Assessing readability of an 8-letter expanded deoxyribonucleic acid alphabet with nanopores Christopher A. Thomas, Jonathan M. Craig, Shuich Hoshikia, Henry Brinkerhoff, Jesse R. Huang, Sarah J. Abell, Hwanhee C. Kim, Michaela C. Franzi, Jessica D. Carrasco, Hyo-Joong Kim, Drew C. Smith, Jens H. Gundlach, Steven A. Benner, Andrew H. Laszlo JACS 2023
Nanopore tweezers measurements of RecQ conformational changes reveal the energy landscape of helicase motion Jonathan M. Craig, Maria Mills, Hwanhee C. Kim, Jesse R. Huang, Sarah J. Abell, Jonathan W. Mount, Jens H. Gundlach, Kier C. Neuman, Andrew H. Laszlo Nucleic Acids Research 2022
UPF1 mutants with intact ATPase but deficient helicase activities promote efficient nonsense-mediated mRNA decay Joseph H Chapman, Jonathan M. Craig, Clara D Wang, Jens H. Gundlach, Kier C. Neuman, J Robert Hogg Nucleic Acids Research 2022
Sequence-dependent mechanochemcial coupling of helicase translocation and unwinding at single-nucleotide resolution Andrew H. Laszlo, Jonathan M. Craig, Momcilo Gavrilov, Ramreddy Tippana, Ian C. Nova, Jesse R. Huang, Hwanhee C. Kim, Sarah J. Abell, Mallory deCampos-Stairiker, Jonathan W. Mount, Jasmine L. Bowman, Katherine S. Baker, Hugh Higginbotham, Dmitriy Bobrovnikov, Taekjip Ha, Jens H. Gundlach PNAS 2022
Modelling single-molecule kinetics of helicase translocation using high-resolution nanopore tweezers (SPRNT) Jonathan M. Craig, Andrew H. Laszlo, Ian C. Nova, Jens H. Gundlach Essays in Biochemistry 2021
Nanopore Sequencing of an Expanded Genetic Alphabet Reveals High-Fidelity Replication of a Predominantly Hydrophobic Unnatural Base Pair Michael P. Ledbetter, Jonathan M. Craig, Rebekah J. Karadeema, Matthew T. Noakes, Hwanhee C. Kim, Sarah J. Abell, Jesse R. Huang, Brooke A. Anderson, Ramanarayanan Krishnamurthy, Jens H. Gundlach, Floyd E. Romesberg JACS 2020
Increasing the accuracy of nanopore DNA sequencing using a time-varying cross membrane voltage Matthew T. Noakes, Henry Brinkerhoff, Andrew H. Laszlo, Ian M. Derrington, Kyle W. Langford, Jonathan W. Mount, Jasmine L. Bowman, Katherine S. Baker, Kenji M. Doering, Benjamin I. Tickman, Jens H. Gundlach Nature Biotechnology 2019
Determining the effects of DNA sequence on Hel308 helicase translocation along single-stranded DNA using nanopore tweezers Jonathan M. Craig, Andrew H. Laszlo, Ian C. Nova, Henry Brinkerhoff, Matthew T. Noakes, Katherine S. Baker, Jasmine L. Bowman, Hugh R. Higinbotham, Jonathan W. Mount, Jens H. Gundlach Nucleic Acids Research 2019
Investigating asymmetric salt profiles for nanopore DNA sequencing with biological porin MspA Ian C. Nova, Ian M. Derrington, Jonathan M. Craig, Matthew T. Noakes, Benjamin I. Tickman, Kenji Doering, Hugh Higinbotham, Andrew H. Laszlo, Jens H. Gundlach PLoS ONE 2017
Revealing dynamics of helicase translocation on single-stranded DNA using high-resolution nanopore tweezers Jonathan M. Craig, Andrew H. Laszlo, Henry Brinkerhoff, Ian M. Derrington, Matthew T. Noakes, Ian C. Nova, Benjamin I. Tickman, Kenji Doering, Noah F. de Leeuw, Jens H. Gundlach PNAS 2017
MspA nanopore as a single-molecule tool: From sequencing to SPRNT Andrew H. Laszlo, Ian M. Derrington, Jens H. Gundlach Methods 2016
Subangstrom single-molecule measurements of motor proteins using a nanopore Ian M. Derrington, Jonathan M. Craig, Eric Stava, Andrew H. Laszlo, Brian C. Ross, Henry Brinkerhoff, Ian C. Nova, Kenji Doering, Benjamin I. Tickman, Mostafa Ronaghi, Jeffrey G. Mandell, Kevin L. Gunderson, Jens H. Gundlach Nature Biotechnology 2016
Direct Detection of Unnatural DNA Nucleotides dNaM and d5SICS using the MspA Nanopore Jonathan M. Craig, Andrew H. Laszlo, Ian M. Derrington, Brian C. Ross, Henry Brinkerhoff, Ian C. Nova, Kenji Doering, Benjamin I. Tickman, Mark T. Svet, Jens H. Gundlach PLoS ONE 2015
Decoding long nanopore sequencing reads of natural DNA Andrew H. Laszlo, Ian M. Derrington, Brian C. Ross, Henry Brinkerhoff, Andrew Adey, Ian C. Nova, Jonathan M. Craig, Kyle W. Langford, Jenny Mae Samson, Riza Daza, Kenji Doering, Jay Shendure, Jens H. Gundlach Nature Biotechnology 2014
Mutual Information between Discrete and Continuous Data Sets Brian C. Ross PLoS ONE 2014
Detection and mapping of 5-methylcytosine and 5-hydroxymethylcytosine with nanopore MspA Andrew H. Laszlo, Ian M. Derrington, Henry Brinkerhoff, Kyle W. Langford, Ian C. Nova, Jenny Mae Samson, Joshua J. Barlett, Mikhael Pavlenok, Jens H. Gundlach PNAS 2013
MspA nanopores from subunit dimers Mikhail Pavlenok, Ian M. Derrington, Jens H. Gundlach, Michael Niederweis PLoS ONE 2012
Molecular Dynamics Study of MspA Arginine-Mutants Predicts Slow DNA Translocations and Ion current blockades indicative of DNA sequence Swati Bhattacharya, Ian M. Derrington, Mikhail Pavlenok, Michael Niederweis, Jens H. Gundlach, Aleksei Aksimentiev ACS Nano 2012
Reading DNA at single-nucleotide resolution with a mutant MspA nanopore and phi29 DNA polymerase Elizabeth A. Manrao, Ian M. Derrington, Andrew H. Laszlo, Kyle W. Langford, Matthew K. Hopper, Nathaniel Gillgren, Mikhail Pavlenok, Michael Niederweis, Jens H. Gundlach Nature Biotechnology 2012
Nucleotide discrimination with DNA immobilized in the MspA nanopore Elizabeth A. Manrao, Ian M. Derrington, Mikhail Pavlenok, Michael Niederweis, Jens H. Gundlach PLoS ONE 2011
Nanopore DNA sequencing with MspA Ian M. Derrington, Tom Z. Butler, Marcus D. Collins, Elizabeth Manrao, Mikhail Pavlenok, Michael Niederweis, Jens H. Gundlach PNAS 2010
Unsupported planar lipid membranes formed from mycolic acids of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Kyle W. Langford, Boyan Penkov, Ian M. Derrington, Jens H. Gundlach Journal of Lipid Research 2010
Single-molecule DNA detection with an engineered MspA protein nanopore Tom Z. Butler, Mikhail Pavlenok, Ian M. Derrington, Michael Niederweis, Jens H. Gundlach Biophysical Journal 2008
Ionic current blockades from DNA and RNA molecules in the a-Hemolysin nanopore Tom Z. Butler, Jens H. Gundlach, Mark A. Troll Biophysical Journal 2007
Determination of RNA orientation during translocation through a biological nanopore Tom Z. Butler, Jens H. Gundlach, Mark A. Troll Biophysical Journal 2006