HHMI Gilliam Seminar Series, May 2021

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Prof. Terri Long (postponed)

North Carolina State University

5 May (W) 9-10 AM PT

Don’t Stress – Iron regulatory mechanisms at the intersection of plant development and multi-stress resilience

6 May (Th) 9-10 AM PT

Black in Academia – A Perspective


Dr. Kevin Cox

Danforth Center, HHMI Hanna Gray Fellow

12 May (W) 9-10 AM PT

Development of High-Resolution Spatial Transcriptomics in Plants

13 May (Th) 9-10 AM PT

Ten Years of Science, Countless Lessons in Academia

Dr. Edith Pierre-Jerome

Duke University, LSRF Fellow

*These talks are the only talks on a Tuesday and Thursday 10-11AM.

18 May (T) 10-11 AM PT

Build it to Understand it: Synthetic Regulation of Multicellular Development

20 May (Th) 10-11 AM PT

Front and Center: Black, Indigenous and Latine Plant Scientists

Prof. Thelma Madzima

UW Bothell

26 May (W) 9-10 AM PT

Epigenetic & abiotic stress mediated transcriptional regulation in maize

27 May (Th) 9-10 AM PT

Intention vs. Reaction: A perspective on how academia misses the mark in diversity, equity and inclusion efforts

Hosted by Prof. Jennifer Nemhauser and Román Ramos Báez in coordination with the UW Biology DEC. Return to this year’s program.