Emission Factors by Pollutant | Smoke Emissions References | Change Log

This table provides snapshots of the SERA dataset upon significant updates. Unlike the default table used in the summaries on our front page, these tables include both outliers (noted in outlier column) and slash (noted in FuelCategory column), as published. Download the file by right-clicking on the date/link and select 'Save link as...' (Download data dictionary)
Date Change notes
2024.05.16 Added papers: Hosseini et al. (2013), Aurell et al. (2023), and Gkatzelis et al. (2023).

Corrected values in Liu et al. (2017) due to transcription errors that didn't catch scientific notation in the PDF.

Some values in Chen et al. 2007 reclassified as Organic Soil 'vegetation type'.

Some NO and NO2 summary values removed in favor of raw NOx values given in Aurell et al. 2021
2023.10.18 Some values were excluded from the dataset:
  • Clements and McMahon (1984): Values measured under pyrolytic (non-combustion/O2) conditions (out of scope for this database and in need of context not included among our trial variables).
  • Jenkins et al. (1996): All 'integrated basis' values (some of which were negative) were excluded in favor of the 'average basis' values.
2022.10.01 Dataset updated to include several pile burn studies. Some existing records were reclassified from Rx burn to Pile burn.
2019.03.20 Inital dataset (note: this file was formatted differently than the current download)