The Media Clubhouse is a site the NW Center developed in collaboration with the Boys and Girls Clubs of King County.
This site coordinated by the NW Center highlights the work of Boys and Girls Club members as they address issues of nutrition and physical activity. A curriculum module entitled Powerful Choices developed by the NW Center and adapted for use in the Clubs provides useful background information as members create their media pieces. Development of The Media Clubhouse site was made possible with funding from Public Health-Seattle & King County and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Parent Leaders of Washington highlights some of the activities that have taken place during one of the Center’s major projects focused on parents (2000-2007). The purpose of the project was to train parent leaders to coordinate and organize their own parent education efforts in their respective communities based on community needs which they helped to identify.
The target audience for these parent education efforts was the parents of teens, a population that can prove hard to reach unless there is an identified problem and it becomes essential that they become involved. The intent was to reach parents of teens as a means of preventing problems. This project made possible with the support of the Washington State Department of Health put the parent leaders in charge of parent education and the results were most impressive!
Action for Media Education (AME) is a non-profit organization that has been a NW Center partner for several years.
AME board members include parents and representatives of the areas of education, journalism, mass communications and community health. See AME’s website to learn more about this organization and how you can become involved in media literacy education.
Images of Youth Film Festival site is sponsored by Action for Media Education with support from the NW Center for Excellence in Media Literacy. The purpose of the Images of Youth Film Festival is to encourage teens to generate their own videos about a wide range of content areas.
A distinguishing feature of this festival is the process by which the pieces are judged, placing primary emphasis on content with technical expertise assuming a secondary role. It should be noted that teens play an integral part in the judging process for entries as well as in the presentations on the evening of the event. The website presents an archive of festival videos.