ASPO Otobase

Exporting a Grouped Export

For the purposes of sharing data in a clinical study, you can create a group of related records or subsets of their data fields and then export this data. You define the data fields that make up a Grouped Export using the Preferences form (see Export/Grouped Export) and then assign the Grouped Export to a Clinical Group.

For more details on this process, see the Otobase Clinical Trials manual.

Selecting the Export a Grouped Export item on the administrator menu bar opens the form called Clinical Groups with Defined Exports.

The form displays a list of all Clinical Groups. If you double-click on one of the groups, Otobase will execute the predefined searches for the records to be exported. In addition to selecting the appropriate Clinical Group for export, you can choose to export just the checksums without the actual data.

If you select the Checksums option, Otobase will export the checksums in a TRANSFER type document.

Selecting the Records option will add the records that make up a Grouped Export to a set of previously exported records. If you try to export the same records, you will see an Alert dialog reminding you that the records have already been exported ("There are no new records to export"). To export these records again in the future, open the Clinical Group form and select the Clinical Group > Erase Grouped Export Set menu item.

If the Clinical Group was designated as a study and if an encryption key pair has been assigned to the study, the export files will be encrypted automatically. In addition, if a study participant ID was assigned, it will be substituted in all ID fields (see Assigning the Participant ID).

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