ASPO Otobase

Assigning an Administrator Checklist

The Administrator Checklist menu allows the administrator to assign him or herself a data entry Checklist. (Normally Checklists are assigned to a single user through their Provider record, but the administrator does not have a Provider record).

To assign a Checklist to the administrator
  1. With the Provider List on your screen, click Provider > Administrator Checklist to see all the Checklists assigned to Clinical Groups.
  2. Choose the group whose Checklist you would like to assign from the list on the left, and drag it to the list on the right. If a Checklist was previously in the list on the right it will be replaced.
  3. Click Update.
Note: When running Otobase in a multi-user environment, other users may change the Saved Searches that comprise a Checklist. You can ensure that you are using the most up-to-date Checklist definition by holding down the Shift key when selecting the Provider > Administrator Checklist menu item. In a similar way, you can "refresh" Checklist definitions by holding down the Shift key while selecting Provider Checklist on the Provider Information form. For more information about using Oto- base in a multi-user environment, see Otobase Server.
Related topics
Creating Checklists

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