Guidelines for Pervious Concrete Sidewalks, Parking Lots, and Shared-Use Paths to Improve Drivers, Bikers, and Pedestrian Safety

PI: Somayeh Nassiri (WSU),
Dates: 12/16/2015 – 12/15/2016
Status: Completed
UTC Project Information
Final Technical Report

Objectives of this study are:

1: Test safety aspects of pervious concrete sidewalks/parking lots/bike lanes in winter conditions,

2: Develop additional best-practice guidance for winter maintenance of pervious concrete installations. 

Our team has combined expertise in the two broad areas of pervious and traditional concrete material characterization and winter maintenance safety. Our expertise will enable us to exactly target the proposed research focus. The project ties with PacTrans’ theme of safety and data driven solutions for safe transport. Equally important to our expertise is our access to several pervious sidewalks and parking lots on the WSU Pullman campus, which enables unique in-field experiments.