Mapping the Impact of Climate Change, Social, and Economic Factors on Transportation Mobility in Rural Alaskan Communities

PI: Osama Abaza (UAA),, ORCID:

Co PIs: Matthew Calhoun (UAA)

AMOUNT & MATCH: $30,000 federal from PacTrans; $30,000 federal Match

PERFORMANCE PERIOD: 8/16/2023 – 8/15/2025

STATUS: Active

CATEGORIES: Climate Change, Mobility


FINAL PROJECT REPORT: will be available once completed

PROJECT DATA: will be available once completed

DESCRIPTION:  The unique and delicate ecosystems of Arctic and sub-Arctic regions, particularly rural Alaska, face unprecedented challenges driven by the impacts of climate change. As the effects of global warming intensify, rural Alaskan communities are experiencing rapidly shifting weather patterns, melting permafrost, coastal erosion, and increasingly severe weather events. These environmental transformations are directly influencing the region’s transportation infrastructure, accessibility, and mobility, thereby posing significant threats to the well-being and sustainability of these remote settlements.

Transportation is a lifeline for rural Alaskan communities, providing essential connections to critical services, economic activities, and social interactions. However, the mounting challenges posed by climate change, social dynamics, and economic factors necessitate a comprehensive and data-driven approach to understanding their interconnected impacts on transportation mobility.

Research Project Progress Report #1 10/10/2024
Research Project Progress Report #2 4/10/2025
No Cost Extension Request 6/15/2025
Draft Report 6/15/2025
Final Project Report 7/15/2025