Carrie Crocodile's Food Record

CONCEPT: Keeping a Food Record



Read a story about Carrie Crocodile who has PKU. She shows her friend Alicia Alligator how she is keeping a food record to keep track of the foods she eats.



After completing this activity, children will be able to:

  • state why it is important to keep track of the foods they eat
  • list a few foods they usually eat and what food groups they are from



  1. Read the story Carrie Crocodile's Food Record.
  2. Discuss the story with the children, with questions such as:
    • How many of you keep track of the food you eat?
    • What is a food record?
    • Why is it important to keep a food record?
  3. Food Groups: Talk about the different "yes" food groups for the PKU diet and what foods they include:
    • Fruits
    • Vegetables
    • Cereals/Low Protein Breads and Pastas
    • Formula
    • Snack Items
  4. Hold up pictures of different "yes" foods and ask the children to tell you what food group they belong in.
  5. Distribute the worksheet and help the children work through it. Discuss their answers. What food groups are these foods in?
  6. Food Records:Explain the food record to the children (and their parents). Explain that they use one food record for each day. They put a star next to each food group (under the corresponding meal) each time they eat a food from that category. Work through a practice food record with the children.
  7. Send three copies of the food record home with the children. Encourage them to complete them at home and mail them back.





  • Place a copy of the food record on your refrigerator at home and encourage your child to fill it in throughout the day.
  • Include discussions of how much food was eaten. This can be done in simple terms such as counting pieces of food, describing container size: large versus small, full versus half full, etc.



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