The Good Health Train

CONCEPT: General Nutrition



Children read a story about the Good Health Train. They learn to classify foods into different food groups and to identify their formula as their source of protein.



After completing this activity, children will be able to:

  • classify foods as fruits, vegetables, and breads/cereals/grains
  • identify their formula as their source of protein



Read the story, The Good Health Train.

Lead a discussion , including questions such as:

  • What were the names of the engine's four trainloads of food?
  • What are some foods in the trainload of fruits?
  • What are some foods in the trainload of vegetables?
  • What are some foods in the trainload of low protein breads and cereals?
  • Why wouldn't the big black engine let the little engine come into the city of Good Health with only a load of fruits and vegetables?
  • Would you let the engine come into your city with only a load of fruits and vegetables?
  • Do we need all four food groups every day? Why?
  • Which food group gives you your protein each day? (formula group)

Classify Foods
Have the children classify pictures of foods (or real foods) into the four categories (fruits, vegetables, low protein breads and cereals, and formula). Use the poster with the engine and four cars on it. Give each participant a few different foods. Taking turns, they place a food on the car it belongs in. To challenge the participants, give a few combination foods that are a part of two food groups (such as low protein pizza, low protein spaghetti with pasta sauce, low protein rice and vegetable dish, etc.)

Emphasize the importance of eating foods from the various food groups each day for good health. These are: fruits, vegetables, low protein breads and cereals, and formula.



  • acrobat reader logo Story: The Good Health Train
  • Make a big poster with pictures of the engine and each car on it (fruit car, vegetable car, low protein breads and cereals car, and the formula car)


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