School-Age Curriculum: Understanding You and PKU


Alexander the Elephant Who Couldn't Eat Peanuts
Watch a video about an elephant who is allergic to peanuts. Discuss the similarities and differences between PKU and a food allergy.

Don't Feed the Monster on Tuesdays
Read a story about a little green monster that sometimes makes us feel bad about ourselves. Learn how to not "feed" the green monster, but instead build our self-esteem.

My Best Friend Is Me
Read a story about a hippo who has many friends, but also knows how to find things to do when he is by himself. He has ways of encouraging himself when he is feeling frustrated. Talk about how we can use some of the hippo's strategies when we are feeling discouraged.

People Talk
Each child makes a picture book of different people. Use their books to lead a discussion about the similarities and differences amongst people.

Role Playing
Practice role playing. Each group acts out their solution to a situation pertaining to PKU.

Why Am I Different?
Read a story that describes differences among people (including growth, hereditary traits, specific physical conditions, abilities, preferences, home and neighborhood experiences, family standards, family composition, ethnic/religious/cultural backgrounds). Discuss why differences are important and why they are good. Play People Bingo.


Understanding You and PKU Curriculum for other ages:


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